Theme Madrasi : Every piece, except the King, while is observed (threatened) by an opponent component of the same kind, is paralyzed. The only ability that remains in the paralyzed piece is to paralyze those opponent pieces of the same kind that it threatens. |
![]() | (Problem 108) Manolas Emmanuel, The Problemist, 1984 Mate in 3. Madrasi. #3 (7+5) Madrasi |
[k7/P4b2/1K1p4/3BP3/7B/5R1r/7b/7R] |
This problem is a simple and clear presentation of the theme, without much action. The piece pairs Bd5 and Bf7, e5 and d6, Rf3 and Rh3 are paralyzed.
The tries {1.Rc1? [2.Rc8#]} and {1.Rg1? [2.Rg8#]} are answered with {1...Bg1+!} and if White continues with 2.Bf2, we have stalemate with complete paralysis of the Black, but if White continues with 2.Ka6, Black plays 2...Bxa7 and there is not mate in the next move.
Other continuations, as {1.Bf2? Bg1! (stalemate)}, or {1.Ka6? Bg1! 2.Bf2 (stalemate)}, also lead to deadend.
So, the solution of this problem (stalemate avoidance) is the following:
Key : 1.Bg3!
Paralyzes the Bh2 and frees the Rf3 from paralysis. Now this threatens 2.Rxf7, freeing from paralysis the Bd5, which will automatically give checkmate.
Paralyzes the Rf3, which is not threatening anything anymore, and frees from paralysis the Bh2.
A quiet move, (which anticipates the check from Black).
Black is without choices.
In two moves three pieces closing the file-h were evacuated and the file-h opened for the Rh1 to act.
In the next problem-109, by the Swedish composer C. P. Swindley, we see an excellent combination of the theme Madrasi (paralysis of similar pieces when they are threatening each other) with the theme Allumwandlung (multiple promotion of a pawn to all four kinds of pieces).
![]() | (Problem 109) C. P. Swindley, The Problemist, 1984 Mate in 2, Madrasi. #2 (10+7) Madrasi |
[3B4/4P3/2b5/1s1rP2q/4pK1k/1S2P2p/R6P/3Q1R2] |
Key : 1.Kf5! [2.Rf4#], but the King is exposed to checks.
The black Rook is paralyzed and Qh5, which is not paralyzed, gives check.
The Qh5 is paralyzed and Bd8 gives discovered check.
1...Rxe5+ 2.e8=R#
1...Bd7+ 2.e8=B# (Now Rd5 is unable to help).
1...Sd6+ 2.e8=S# (The move 1...Sd4 is not giving check, because S is paralyzed by Sb3).
The Ra2 exists to void the defensive plan [1...Rd2 2.Rf4+ Rf2!]
In next posts we will cover Retroanalysis and Proof games, and then we will present the two Greek problems, which earned a distinction in the 50th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) in 2007 at Rhodes, (in the contest Compositions with Retroanalysis):
(1) Honourable mention, Kostas Prentos, (Shortest Proof Game in 19.5), and
(2) Commendation, Emmanuel Manolas, (Mate in 5, Madrasi Retro).
(This post in Greek language).
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