Friday, October 24, 2008

Two more-movers by Garoufalidis

In the more-mover (German : lang-zueger) problems we must foresee how the mate is given (we must imagine the picture of the mate). In order to achieve the mate, we need to discover a series of moves (including possibly repeated series of moves).

In selfmate problems White plays first and forces Black to deliver mate.

Mr Ioannis (=John) Garoufalidis is an active composer with many publications and he is also an excellent solver.
We will see here two award-winning more-mover selfmates by Garoufalidis. (See please another of his compositions here).

(Problem 251)
Ioannis Garoufalidis,
3rd Honourable Mention, Quartz 2002
Selfmate in 29 moves
s#29, (4 + 6)

Key : 1.Rd4! Kb3 2.Qc4+ Ka3 3.Qc3+ Rb3 4.Qc1+ Rb2 5.h4 Kb3
6.Qc4+ Ka3 7.Qc3+ Rb3 8.Qc1+ Rb2 9.h5 Kb3 10.Qc4+ Ka3
11.Qc3+ Rb3 12.Qc1+ Rb2 13.h6 Kb3 14.Qc4+ Ka3 15.Qc3+ Rb3
16.Qc1+ Rb2 17.h7 Kb3 18.Qc4+ Ka3 19.Qc3+ Rb3 20.Qc1+ Rb2
21.h8=R Kb3 22.Rb8+ Ka3 23.Qe3+ Rb3 24.Qe7+ Rb4 25.Ra8+ Kb3
26.Qe3+ Kc2 27.Ra2+ Rb2 28.Qd3+ Kc1 29.Qb1+ Rxb1#

A comment by the composer : An Excelsior with subpromotion to Rook (Miniature), Switchback, Circuit de Dame, Circuit de Tour, Circuit lineaire, Sacrifice.

(Problem 252)
Ioannis Garoufalidis,
Commendation, The Problemist, 2005
Selfmate in 37 moves
s#37, (11 + 3)

Key : 1.Qd5+! Bf5+ 2.Rc2 Kg4 3.Qg2+ Kf4 4.Qg3+ Ke4 5.Qd3+ Kf4
6.Qe3+ Kg4 7.Qg3+ Kh5 8.Qf3+ Bg4 9.Qd5+ Bf5 10.Kc1 Kg4
11.Qg2+ Kf4 12.Qg3+ Ke4 13.Qd3+ Kf4 14.Qe3+ Kg4 15.Qg3+ Kh5
16.Qf3+ Bg4 17.Qd5+ Bf5 18.Kd1 Kg4 19.Qg2+ Kf4 20.Qg3+ Ke4
21.Qd3+ Kf4 22.Qe3+ Kg4 23.Qg3+ Kh5 24.Qf3+ Bg4 25.Qd5+ Bf5
26.Rc1 Kg4 27.Qg2+ Kf4 28.Qg3+ Ke4 29.Qd3+ Kf4 30.Qe3+ Kg4
31.Qg3+ Kh5 32.Qf3+ Bg4 33.Qd5+ Bf5 34.e3 Kg4 35.Qg2+ Kh5
36.Qf3+ Bg4 37.Bc2 Bxf3#

See the White King slowly preparing (every eight moves) his end.

(This post in Greek language).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nikos Pergialis (3)

We will see here helpmate problems by the "last rembetis" Nikos Pergialis. The problems have few pieces and some are accompanied by verses! (This is really artistic chess!)
The verses of rembetiko songs speak mainly about justice in life.
The verses here describe in a way the solution of the problem.

(Problem 245)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 2007,
Helpmate duplex in 2.
h#2 duplex (3 + 3)

We note that duplex problems are helpmate problems with two solutions :
In one solution Black plays and helps White to mate Black.
In the other solution White plays and helps Black to mate White.

In the problem-245 we observe complete symmetry.

Key : 1.Kg2! Rc2xf2+ 2.Kh1 Be4#
Key : 1.Kb2! Rf2xc2+ 2.Ka1 Bd4#

(Problem 246)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 2007,
Helpmate in 2. Two solutions.
h#2, 2111, (5 + 3)

In the problem we see symmetrical position.
The theme is Zilahi. (In one solution black captures the white piece, which checkmates in the other solution).

Key : 1.Rd4xc4! Sf3 2.Rc4-c5 e5#
Key : 1.Rd4xe4! Sb3 2.Re4-e5 c5#

(Problem 247)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 2008,
Helpmate duplex in 2.
h#2, duplex, (3 + 3)

Relevant verses :
Re karfome'ni stratigi' (Hey you pinned generals)/
na min' anisihi'te (do not worry)! /
Tha'rthi i ano'mali stigmi' (An irregular moment will come) /
pou tha xekarfothi'te (and you will be unpinned)

Key : 1.Bg2! Rd7-d3 2.Re2-f2 Rd3-d1#
Key : 1.Bb7! Re2-e6 2.Rd7-c7 Re6-e8#

(Problem 248)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 2008,
Helpmate duplex in 2.
h#2, duplex, (6 + 4)

Relevant verses :
Sto i'dio to tetra'gono (On the same square) /
sto i'dio to steno' (on the same narrow pass) /
kavgas' mega'los e'gine (a great quarrel happened) /
Diplo' to foniko' (and the murder was double)!

Key : 1.Kd4! Qxa4 2.Kd5 Qd7#
Key : 1.Ke6! Qxb5 2.Kd5 Qd7#

(Problem 249)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 2008,
Helpmate duplex in 2.
h#2, duplex, (3 + 5)

Key : 1.Rg2-g1! Bc3 (White pins a piece) 2.Rg1-b1 (Black blocks a flight of his king) Rb4-a4#
Key : 1.Be1-f2! Bc3 (Black pins a piece) 2.Bb6 (White blocks a flight of his king) Rg2-a2#

(Problem 250)
Nikos Pergialis,
original, 1995,
Helpmate in 2. Two solutions.
h#2, 2111, (6 + 6)

The symmetry of the position is maintained also as symmetry of the solutions. White needs to find a tempo move in each solution.

Key : 1.Rd5-d3! Bd7 2.Rd3-e3 Bc6#
Key : 1.Rf5-f3! Bf7 2.Rf3-e3 Bg6#

(This post in Greek language).

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ioannis Kalkavouras (1)

“I was born in Kallithea (Attica Greece), in 1961, where I live.
I graduated, in Economics, from the Athens University and I work as an employee of Alpha Bank.
I started as a solver of chess problems, being influenced by the columns of Triantafyllos Siaperas in various newspapers of the eighties, and later I turned to composing, mainly as a means to express my creativity.
Now I have enough publications abroad, giving emphasis to Helpmates and Selfmates.”

Ioannis (John) Kalkavouras is a modest man with many prizes for his compositions. In the following, we will see three problems of his, having also his commentary.

(Problem 242)
Kalkavouras Ioannis,
Second Prize, Variantim (Israel), 2006
Helpmate in 2.5 moves. Two solutions.
h#2.5 21111 (4+12)

In helpmates having integer number of moves, the Black plays first. Here the moves are 2.5, thus we start with a move by White.

a) Key : 1...Qa2-d5! 2.Re2-e6+ Kd6xe6+ 3.Kg3-g4 Qd5-f5#
b) Key : 1...Qa2-e6! 2.Qf3-d5+ Kd6xd5+ 3.Kg3-f3 Qe6-e4#

I.K. comment : “Extended two-mover with exchange of places between wK and wQ on the squares d5/e6, interchange of sacrifices by half-pinned black pieces on the above squares and final pictures of mates with a pinned black piece.”

(Problem 243)
Kalkavouras Ioannis,
First Honourable Mention, Orbit (F.Y.R.O.M.), 2006
Helpmate in 3 moves. a) Diagramme, b) Twin -bPg2 +bPg3
h#3 (6+10) a) diagram b) bPg2 --> g3

a) Key : 1.Rb3-b4! (1.Bb5?) Ba2xc4 2.Bc6-e4 Bc4-d5 3.Rh4-f4 (Bf4?) Rc8-c3#
b) bPg2-->g3
Key : 1.Bc6-b5! (1.Rb4?) Rc8xc4 2.Rb3-e3 Rc4-c3 3.Bg5-f4 (Rf4?) Ba2-d5#

I.K. comment : “Line interferences of bQ with dual avoidance, elimination captures on c4, focal play, black Grimshaw with dual avoidance on f4”.

When there is a pair of answers but in every variation only one answer is valid we have dual avoidance.
We observe the similar strategy of the solutions : The Pawn c4 is captured by the wB, which continues his stride in order to pin a bB opening a line for the wR, which gives mate. The Pawn c4 is captured by the wR, which continues his stride in order to pin a bR opening a line for the wB, which gives mate.
Let us see the focal play : The bBc6, which stops Rc8-c3+ and guards Ba2-d5+, goes to e4 continuing to defend these, but unfortunately is pinned there allowing Rc8-c3+. The bRb3, which stops Ba2-d5+ and guards Rc8-c3+, goes to e3 continuing to defend these, but unfortunately is pinned there allowing Ba2-d5+.

Theme Focal play : A black linear piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop) focuses on two squares in two different directions, but when it moves it is forced to lose focus and abandon the guarding of one of the squares.

For the Grimshaw intersection, between linear pieces of unsimilar way of movement, we have already given many examples.

(Problem 244)
Kalkavouras Ioannis,
Die Schwalbe (Germany), 2005
Selfmate in 9 moves. There is set play. There are tries.
* s#9 (6+11)

Phase of the set play (*) : 1...b3? 2.Be4+ Ke2 3.Bxd3+ Kf3 4.Be4+ Ke2 5.Bg6+ Kf3 6.Rc3+ Bxc3 7.Bh5+ Rxh5#

Phases of tries : {1.Rc~? [2.Bh5+ Rxh5#] R(x)h5! 2.Bxh5# (of course it is completely wrong for a selfmate, the white to give mate, theme Berlin)},
{1.Be4+? Ke2! 2.Bxd3+ Kf3 3.Be4+ Ke2+}.

Phase of the actual game : Key : 1.Rd5! [2.Rxd3 Rxd3 3.Bh5+ Rxh5#] b3
2.Be4+ Ke2 3.Bxd3+ Kf3 4.Be4+ Ke2 5.Bg6+ Kf3
6.Qd1+ Kf2 7.Rxd2+ Bxd2 8.Re2+ Kf3 9.Bh5+ Rxh5#

I.K. comment : “Problem of Neo-German school (Logical) in combination with theme Berlin”.

The problems of the Neo-German school have a Preliminary plan (Vorplan), (which is needed for the General plan (Hauptplan) to be succesfully applied), which has appeared in the tries, but has failed. These problems are also called Logical problems. See the themes Roman, Hamburg and Dresden.
The move 2.Bxh5# of the try becomes 9.Bh5+ in the actual play. (Theme Berlin).

Theme Berlin : A move, which gives mate in a try, becomes a simple check in the actual play.

(This post in Greek language).

Saturday, October 04, 2008


During the 51st World Congress of Chess Composition, in Jurmala Latvia 30/08 - 06/09/2008, various composition contests were organized. In the Quick Composing Tourney, Helpmates section, with Judge Mr Harry Fougiaxis IM, the First Prize was given to the French Grand Master Michel Caillaud, for an Anticirce problem of his.
It is surely worthwhile for us to study this problem and see what this great problemist had composed in less than two hours.

The stipulation of the problem was " h#2 (7+14) Anticirce, Nightriders (1+2) ", that is help-mate in two moves, there are seven white and fourteen black pieces, there are five solutions, the condition is Anticirce, between the pieces there are Nightriders one white and two black.

Let us see all these one by one.
Help- problem is that where Black plays first and helps White to achieve a goal.
The goal here is Mate in two moves, (So this is a helpmate problem).
The problem has five solutions.
The problem belongs to Fairy chess, since there is an Anticirce condition and fairy pieces (Nightriders).
The condition Anticirce states : On making a capture, the captured piece is lost and the capturing piece is reborn on its initial- game- square, but if it cannot be regenerated there the capture is forbidden.
The squares for rebirth of white orthodox pieces are on line-1. The white Pawns are reborn on line-2. The white fairy pieces, which we believe that have appeared on the chessboard during a strange promotion, are reborn on line-8 on the column they made the capture. The lines of rebirth are respectively line-8 for black pieces, line-7 for black pawns, line-1 for black fairy pieces.
The Nightrider is a linear piece, a Rider running on a straight line, and its every step is like a Knight move.
We know that this composer is fond of the theme of multiple promotions (AUW Allumwandlung), where we see four promotions of a Pawn to Queen, Rook, Bishop and Knight. In the position of this problem appears one more kind of piece, the Knightrider. So, the composer will expand the theme AUW to five promotions, (super AUW), and that is why there are five solutions!

(Problem 241)
Michel Caillaud,
First Prize, Quick Composing Ty, 51 WCCC 2008
Helpmate in 2 moves. Anticirce. There are Nightriders.
h#2 Anticirce (10+4) Nightrider (1+2)

The white Nightrider wNc6 keeps the bQ pinned. If the black Queen moves, the Nightrider can capture the black King, because the square g8 for its rebirth is free. Just after the Pawn g7 goes to g8 to be promoted, the black Queen is unpinned!
If the bQ moves, a battery is formed. The threating piece is the wNc6 and covering piece is the promoted piece on g8. If the promoted piece leaves g8, the battery is fired and gives check to the bK.

Let us see the five solutions...

Key : 1.Rf3-h3! g7-g8=Q 2.Qe5-g3 (the bQ is unpinned and goes to g3) Qg8xd5[wQd5->d1]# (with a random move by the wQg8 the wNc6 checks but the bQ can return to e5 and stop it. What is needed then is a double check, and the wQ captures bSd5 and is reborn on d1 and gives also a check).

Key : 1.Nh1-g3! (the bNh1 goes to g3. The square h1 is now empty and a Rook from there can close the flight h3 of the bK) g7-g8=R 2.Qe5-e8 (the bQ is unpinned and goes to e8, helping wRg8 to leave g8 (now wNc6 checks) and capture on a white square and appear on h1. If the bQ had moved to black square b8, then wRg8 capturing the bQ there would appear on a1 and the bK would flee through h3 from the check of wNc6.) Rg8xe8[wRe8->h1]#

Key : 1.Nf1-g3! (the bNf1 goes to g3. The square f1 is now empty and a Bishop from there can close the flight h3 of the bK) g7-g8=B 2.Qe5-e6 (the bQ is unpinned and goes to e6) Bg8xe6[wBe6->f1]#

Key : 1.Rg1-g3! (the bRg1 goes to g3. The square g1 is now empty and a Knight from there can close the flight h3 of the bK) g7-g8=S 2.Qe5-e7 (the bQ is unpinned and goes to e7. The bQ does not capture the Pawn on f6 because the bQ will be reborn on d8 and, when the promoted Knight tries to move, the wS cannot capture and cannot be reborn on g1 and the flight h3 will stay open for the bK to flee from the check of wNc6.) Sg8xe7[wSe7->g1]#

Key : 1.Bh4-g3! (the bBh3 goes to g3 and the wQh6 holds h3) g7-g8=N 2.Qe5xf6[bQf6->d8] (the bQ is unpinned and captures wPf6 (to open a path for wNg8) and is reborn on d8 and pins wNg8!) Ng8xe4[wNe4->e8]# (the Nightrider leaves g8 (the bQ is not giving check - the white move is not yet finished) captures the bSe4 (the bQ is not giving check - the white move is not yet finished) and is reborn on the same file on e8 (the bQ finally is not giving check) giving double check together with wNc6).

The comment of the Judge Harry Fougiaxis was : Transformation of the set pin along the line c6-e5-g4 to a battery yields a super-AUW with five black pieces playing to the same square as additional formal element. A superb piece of work.

Our comment : Michel Caillaud has created a piece of art!

(This post in Greek language).