The 59th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) will be hosted by Serbia, in Belgrade, from July 30 to August 06, 2016.
The official internet page is
Here is a presentation by the Serbian Committee [].
You can find there information about registration (now that I am writing this post, there are 197 participants), about hotels, about schedule of events, etc.
There are solving contests, one open []
and the 40th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) [],
and composing tourneys [for example].
There also organised, for the first time, contests for young solvers and composers, under 18 years old.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Variantim, call for composers
Variantim is a chess magazine from Israel, published three times a year.
The well known composer Paz Einat has send the following message:
Dear friends,
We are inviting you to send us original problems for publication in Variantim, the official publication of the Israeli Chess Composition Society. We will especially appreciate orthodox direct-mate problems.
The magazine is published regularly three time a year and has rich content including articles, tourney awards, columns on problems from around the world, studies and Israeli success abroad. The magazine is written mainly in English and is, thus, accessible to many readers from around the world. The printed magazine is sent out to our subscribers while a PDF version is sent to many composers worldwide so your problems will be viewed by many composers.
Attached you will find PDF files of the last two Variantim issues.
We thank you in advance for your contribution.
Дорогие друзья,
Мы приглашаем Вас отправить нам оригинальные проблемам для публикации в журнале Variantim, официальное издание израильского общества шахматной композиции. Мы будем особенно ценить ортодоксальные проблемам прямого Мата.
Журнал издается регулярно три раза в год и имеет богатое содержание, включая статьи, награды турнирах, статьи для проблемам со всего мира, и следование израильского успеха. Журнал написан в основном на английском языке и, таким образом, доступным для многих читателей со всего мира. Распечатанный журнал рассылается нашим подписчикам в то время как PDF версия отправляется многими композиторами по всему миру, так что ваши проблемы будут рассматриваться многими композиторами.
В приложении вы найдете PDF-файлы последних двух выпусках Variantim.
Мы Заранее благодарим за ваше выступление.
The well known composer Paz Einat has send the following message:
Dear friends,
We are inviting you to send us original problems for publication in Variantim, the official publication of the Israeli Chess Composition Society. We will especially appreciate orthodox direct-mate problems.
The magazine is published regularly three time a year and has rich content including articles, tourney awards, columns on problems from around the world, studies and Israeli success abroad. The magazine is written mainly in English and is, thus, accessible to many readers from around the world. The printed magazine is sent out to our subscribers while a PDF version is sent to many composers worldwide so your problems will be viewed by many composers.
Attached you will find PDF files of the last two Variantim issues.
We thank you in advance for your contribution.
Дорогие друзья,
Мы приглашаем Вас отправить нам оригинальные проблемам для публикации в журнале Variantim, официальное издание израильского общества шахматной композиции. Мы будем особенно ценить ортодоксальные проблемам прямого Мата.
Журнал издается регулярно три раза в год и имеет богатое содержание, включая статьи, награды турнирах, статьи для проблемам со всего мира, и следование израильского успеха. Журнал написан в основном на английском языке и, таким образом, доступным для многих читателей со всего мира. Распечатанный журнал рассылается нашим подписчикам в то время как PDF версия отправляется многими композиторами по всему миру, так что ваши проблемы будут рассматриваться многими композиторами.
В приложении вы найдете PDF-файлы последних двух выпусках Variantim.
Мы Заранее благодарим за ваше выступление.
Monday, June 13, 2016
13-ESSNA solving contest
13th Open Solving contest "Championship of Attiki".
It is organised by the Union of Chess Clubs Of Attiki Prefecture (around Athens, Greece).
Place : Chess Club of Aegaleo.
Time : Sunday, June 12, 17:00 - 20:00.
Judge (and program selector) : Ioannis Garoufalidis
It is organised by the Union of Chess Clubs Of Attiki Prefecture (around Athens, Greece).
Place : Chess Club of Aegaleo.
Time : Sunday, June 12, 17:00 - 20:00.
Judge (and program selector) : Ioannis Garoufalidis
The problems :
The solutions :
Ranking of solvers :
Photos from the event
(by Dim. Skyrianoglou)
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Proposal for a Theme Pergialis
We propose today a new theme, which will have the name of the Greek composer Nikos Pergialis.
Theme Pergialis : The wQ pins a piece, which is the only pinned black piece, and the threat is a pin-mate from another white piece. In the variations the wQ delivers at least four mates from different directions to the immobile bK, the one mate being by capturing the pinned piece.

Theme Pergialis : The wQ pins a piece, which is the only pinned black piece, and the threat is a pin-mate from another white piece. In the variations the wQ delivers at least four mates from different directions to the immobile bK, the one mate being by capturing the pinned piece.
Nikos Pergialis

Problem-818 Pergialis Nikos (GRE) Source: |
2Qq4/1Sp1br2/8/1p1p4/2k2S2/2P5/P1K1RR2/2s5 (8 + 8)
Key : 1.Qe6! [2.Re4#] 1…Sxe2 2.Qxe2# 1…Qh8 2.Qxd5# 1…Bf6 2.Qc6# 1…b4 2.Qa6# 1…Sb3 2.axb3# 1…Bc5 2.Sa5# 1…Rxf4 2.Rxf4# Theme Pergialis. Direct pin. Pin mates (2.Re4#, 2.Rxf4#). Four mates by the wQ. Black correction (Be7-c5 corrects Be7-f6). |
Problem-819 Pergialis Nikos (GRE) |
8/S1s4q/7p/KSkr2bR/3pPQ2/3PP3/8/8 (8 + 7)
Key : 1.Qe5! [2.exd4#] 1…Sxb5 / Se6 2.Qxd5# 1…Bxe3 2.Qd6# 1…Qxe4 2.Qxc7# 1…dxe3 2.Qc3#
Theme Pergialis. Direct Pin. Pin mate (2.exd4#). Four mates by the wQ. Reciprocal captures (dxe3, exd4).
Problem-820 Pergialis Nikos (GRE) |
(5 + 6)
Key : 1.Qe4! [2.Rc3#] 1…Qh3 2.Qxd4# 1…Sd5 2.Qd3# 1…Se2 2.Qe6# 1…Sxb5 2.Qc6# 1…Ba5 2.Sd6#
Theme Pergialis. Direct Pin. Pin mate (2.Rc3#). Four mates by the wQ. Black correction (1...Sd5 corrects 1...Se2).
Problem-821 Pergialis Nikos (GRE) |
(8 + 8)
Key : 1.Qb7! [2.Rc4#] 1…Sc2 2.Qxd5# 1…Sc6 2.Qb1# 1…Rxc1 / Rd1 2.Qxh7# 1…Rc8 2.Qe7#
Theme Pergialis. Direct pin. Pin mate. Four mates by the wQ. Anti-Dual Sc2 and Sc6.
Problem-822 Pergialis Nikos (GRE) |
(10 + 11)
Key : 1.Qh5! [2.Re4#] 1…Sd3 2.Sxd3# 1…c2 2.Re3# 1…Re2 / Rg5 2.Q(x)e2# 1…Rg4 2.Qxf5# 1…g5 2.Qh8# 1…Qxb4 2.Qe8#
Theme Pergialis. Direct pin. Pin mate (2.Re4). Four mates by the wQ. Black correction (1...Rg4 corrects 1...Re2 / Rg5).
(GRE) Pergialis
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