Awarded Compositions GR, 2015
(Last Update : 03/01/2016)In this post we have gathered the artistic chess compositions of the Greek composers, which have earned a distinction in composing tourneys of the year 2015.
There were more publications, but here we are limited only to awarded ones.
(A note by Alkinoos: If some award is omitted, which is possible since I do not read everything, the interested composer is kindly requested to send to me the necessary information to append it in this anniversary post. Thanks!).
In twelve (12) international composing tourneys there were seventeen (17) awarded compositions, atistic creations of five (5) Greek composers (sometimes with co-authors).
We stress here a fact, seldom happening in Greece : This year we had organized here in our country one (1) international composing tourney : JT Manolas-65.
The entries to the composing tourneys are judged by a Judge and they get distinctions (by descending order): Prize or Place, Honourable Mention, Commendation.
In some interesting cases the distinction might be preceded by the word 'Special'.
The distinctions may be numbered or not.
Argirakopoulos Themis

Problem-2015-10 Argyrakopoulos Themis 4th Place, Marianka 2015 Source: |
hs+2,5 twins: a) diagram, b) wKc3 to d4, c) wKc3 to e1, d) wKc3 to h2 Messigny |
a) wKc3 1…g1=Q 2.d8=Q Qd8↔Qg1 3.Qe1+ Qe1↔Qd8+ b) wKd4 1…g1=R 2.d8=R Rd8↔Rg1 3.Rg4+ Rg4↔Rd8+ c) wKe1 1…g1=B 2.d8=B Bd8↔Bg1 3.Bf2+ Bf2↔Bd8+ d) wKh2 1…g1=S 2.d8=S Sd8↔Sg1 3.Sf3+ Sf3↔Sd8+ Messigny = A piece (King included) can also swap places with an opposite piece of the same nature. Neither of the two pieces must have swap its place the previous move. Theme Babson, (AUW, promotions of the same type by White and Black). |
Problem-2015-13 Argirakopoulos Themis 2nd Honourable Mention, 13° Tzuika, Ostroda, 2015 Source: |
hs#3 twins: a) diagram, b) bPb4 to a4 Sentinelles : (g6 Elan EL), (c4 Leo LE), (f8 Super-Leo SL) |
a) bPb4 1.LEe2(+c4) SLd6 2.LEg2(+e2) SLh2(+d6) 3.LEh3(+g2)+ ELxh3(+g6)# b) bPa4 1.LEd5(+c4) SLe8 2.LEf7(+d5) SLe6 3.LEf8(+f7)+ ELxf8(+g6)# Sentinelles : When a piece (Pawn excluded) leaves a square outside the first and last rows, it leaves a Pawn of the color of the side that played unless 8 Pawns in this color are already on the board. The triple pin mate is achieved with the help of a fairy unit, the SuperLeo, which can capture over 2 hurdles. You certainly need an eagle eye and a sharp mind to anticipate the mate with three pinned units, of which two will be sentinels that will appear on the board during the solution. On the downside, the price paid by this ambitious achievement is the heavy position and the lack of interplay. Question: can anyone obtain a five-fold sentinel presentation of this splendid idea? |
Argirakopoulos Themis, Prentos Kostas

Problem-2015-02 Argirakopoulos Themis, Prentos Kostas 1st Prize (1st - 3rd place)- TT 157 Superproblem Source: |
6K1/6b1/1sp1rp2/1b1k4/p1p1q3/2r1pp2/1p1P3p/Q1s5 (3 + 16) h#2, 1 solution per twin twins: a) diagram, b) wQa1 to a8, c) wQa1 to h8, d) wQa1 to h1 |
a) wQa1 1.Kc5 dxc3 2.Qd5 Qa3# b) wQa8 1.Kd6 d4 2.Sd5 Qd8# c) wQh8 1.Ke5 dxe3 2.Kf5 Qh5# d) wQh1 1.Kd4 d3 2.Kxd3 Qd1# Model mates. WP4 from wPd2, with bK cross and the wQ visiting the four corners. |
Abdurahmanovic Fadil, Kalkavouras Ioannis

Πρόβλημα-2015-17 Abdurahmanovic Fadil, Kalkavouras Ioannis 1st Prize, Moskow Concours 2015 Source: |
h#5, 2 solutions |
1.Sf5 Bc2 2.b1=Q Bd1 3.Qe5 Be2 4.Qba1 Bf1 5.Qad4 Bg2# 1.Kf3 Kc3 2.Ke2 Bxd3+ 3.Kd1 Be4 4.Kc1 Kd3 5.Kb1 Kd2# Wb and Bk Platzweschel, wK triangular Rundlauf and wB zig zag from b1 to g2. |
Problem-2015-03 Abdurahmanovic Fadil, Kalkavouras Ioannis 3rd Prize, ЮК «С.Билык-50» Bilyk-50 Source: |
RS6/Br6/8/6K1/8/8/P7/3k4 (5 + 2) h#2, 2 solutions |
1.Rxa7 Sc6 2.Rxa2 Sd4 3.Rd2 Ra1# 1.Rxb8 Be3 2.Rb2 Rc8 3.Re2 Rc1# Bicolour Bristol, Annihilation of white pieces, Self-blockings, Model mates. Judge (Bilyk) :Аннигиляция белых фигур, правильные маты на краю доски, чередование функций белых коня и слона. Белая пешка вводит диссонанс: в одном решении она уничтожается чёрной ладьёй – двойная аннигиляция на вертикали ”a”, а во втором матовом финале участия не принимает, выполняя роль технической фигуры. |
Manolas Emmanuel

Problem-2015-07 Manolas Emmanuel 6th Honourable Mention, Gennady Kozura-60 JT Source:Козюра-60_2_оконч.pdf |
h#2, 2 solutions per twin twins: a) diagram, b) bKb5 to h1 (after Youness Benjelloun, 8/8/2pP4/2Bk4/5PR1/8/2p5/2KB4, (6+3), h#2, 2sols, Problem Paradise vol18 January-March 2015, problem H706) |
a) bKb5 1.Kc4 Be2+ 2.Kb3 Ra3# 1.Kc6 Rc8+ 2.Kd7 Bg4# b) bKh1 1.Kh2 Bf3 2.Kh1 Rh8# 1.Kxg2 Rg8+ 2.Kf1 Rg1# Section h#2 HotF (Helpmate of the Future) |
Problem-2015-08 Manolas Emmanuel Special Honourable Mention, Gennady Kozura-60 JT Source:Козюра-60_2_оконч.pdf |
3S4/8/3p2p1/2pkr2b/3P4/3K4/Pr4P1/8 (5 + 7) h#2, 4 solutions |
1.Bf3 gxf3 2.Re4 fxe4# 1.Rb3+ axb3 2.c4+ bxc4# 1.Bg4 Sc6 2.Be6 Se7# 1.Rb6 Se6 2.Rc6 Sf4# Section h#2 HotF (Helpmate of the Future) |
Pergialis Nikos

Problem-2015-01 Pergialis Nikos Commendation, Manolas-65 JT Source: |
h#2, 2 solutions per twin twins: a) diagram, b) wQc2 to g8 |
a) wQc1 1.Qd3 Qc6 2.e3 Sf3# 1.Qxe6 Sd3 2.Kd5 Qc5# b) wQg8 1.Ke3 Sc2+ 2.Kf2 Qg2# 1.Ke5 Sf3+ 2.Kf6 Qf7# Section Α, HotF (Helpmate of the Future). Judge (Kalkavouras Ioannisς) : "Preventive selfblocks and nice model mates; what else one might expect from a little precious stone?" |
Problem-2015-04 Pergialis Nikos Special Honourable Mention, Gennady Kozura-60 JT Source:Козюра-60_2_оконч.pdf |
8/4q3/1ps2B2/3PP1q1/p1BkP3/1r/3Ss3/5K2 (7 + 8) h#2, 4 solutions |
1.Qgxe5 Bh4 2.Sc3 Bf2# 1.Qexe5 Bd8 2.Rc3 Bxb6# 1.Ke3 Bxe7 2.Sed4 Bxg5# 1.Kc5 Bxg5 2.Scd4 Bxe7# Section h#2 HotF (Helpmate of the Future). Judge (Valery Kopyl ) : Чёткий HOTF, замечательная игра полей, но… практически полная симметрия |
Problem-2015-05 Pergialis Nikos 11th Honourable Mention, Gennady Kozura-60 JT Source:Козюра-60_2_оконч.pdf |
8/5P2/K2p2p1/3rS1p1/3k4/2p5/b7/R7 (4 + 7) h#2, 4 solutions |
1.Bb1 Ra4+ 2.Kc5 Rc4# 1.Kc5 Rb1 2.Rd4 Rb5# 1.Ke3 f8=Q 2.Kd2 Qf2# 1.Kxe5 Re1+ 2.Kf6 f8=Q# Section h#2 HotF (Helpmate of the Future) |
Problem-2015-06 Pergialis Nikos Special Honourable Mention, Gennady Kozura-60 JT Source:Козюра-60_2_оконч.pdf |
R2K4/5k2/8/8/5B2/4S3/8/8 (4 + 1) h#2, 2 solutions per twin twins: a) diagram, b) bKf7 to d2 |
a) bKf7 1.Kf6 Ke8 2.Ke6 Ra6# 1.Kg6 Ra6+ 2.Kh5 Rh6# b) bKd2 1.Kc1 Be5 2.Kb1 Ra1# 1.Ke2 Ra2+ 2.Ke1 Bg3# Section h#2 HotF (Helpmate of the Future) |
Prentos Kostas

Problem-2015-09 Prentos Kostas 1st Place, 36° R.I.F.A.C.E. (St-Germain au Mont d'Or, 22-25 mai 2015) Source: |
Proof game in 17,5 moves Anti-(Take and Make) |
1.a4 b5 2.axb5(b4) a5 3.bxa6 e.p.(a4) Rxa6(a7) 4.c4 bxc3 e.p.(c5) 5.b4 axb3 e.p.(b5) 6.Qxb3(b2) d5 7.cxd6 e.p.(d4) c5 8.bxc6 e.p.(c4) Rxc6(c7) 9.e4 dxe3 e.p.(e5) 10.d4 cxd3 e.p.(d5) 11.Bxe3(e2) f5 12.exf6 e.p.(f4) e5 13.dxe6 e.p.(e4) Bxe6(e7) 14.g4 fxg3 e.p.(g5) 15.f4 exf3 e.p.(f5) 16.Bf2 h5 17.gxh6 e.p.(h4) g5 18.fxg6 e.p.(g4) Proof game : Find the unique moves, from the initial position of the pieces when starting a game, to the position of the given diagram. Anti Take & Make : When a piece is "captured" (King excluded), it must move without capturing from its vanishing square. The capture is impossible if the captured piece can't be reborn. 13 en-passant captures. |
Problem-2015-11 Prentos Kostas 7th Honourable Mention, 18° Sabra, Ostroda, 2015 Source: |
6Q1/5pr1/4p1bp/3p1rBs/3pR2K/5k2/8/8 (4 + 10) h#2 twins: a) diagram, b) wQg8 to h7 |
a) wQg8 1.Bh7 Be3 2.Rg4+ Qxg4# b) wQh7 1.Rf6 Re2 2.Bd3 Qxd3# Bicolour Bristol, Orthogonal-Diagonal Transformation, Black line opening by White and by Black. |
Problem-2015-12 Prentos Kostas 2nd Prize, 13° Tzuika, Ostroda, 2015 Source: |
b3rrQ1/3p4/8/7B/s2K4/p7/S1k5/8 (4 + 7) hs#3,5 twins: a) diagram, b) -wSa2 |
a) with wSa2 1…Bh1 2.Qg2+ Kb3 3.Kd5 Rf1 4.Bd1+ Rxd1# b) without wSa2 1…Re1 2.Be2 Sb2 3.Ke3 Kc3 4.Qc4+ Sxc4# The most economic achievement of the tourney. In this problem too all three different white and black pieces reach the pin line during the solutions. The epitome of elegance and refinement, in an unbelievable Meredith setting and long moves played by both sides. The slight mismatch in the motivation of black moves doesn’t detract at all the artistic impression. |
Problem-2015-14 Prentos Kostas 3rd Recommendation, 3° Azemmour, Ostroda, 2015 Source: |
q7/4s3/1p2B1bS/4k1pp/2KR2p1/4pPr1/5s2/b7 (5 + 12) h#2,5, two solutions |
1…Rxg4 (A) 2.Sc6 f4+ 3.Ke4 Bd5# (B) 1…Bg8 (B) 2.Bf5 Sf7+ 3.Ke6 Rd6# (A) The White is closing white lines. Critical squares f4 and f7. Pieces wB and wR are exchange their roles in the two solutions. |
Problem-2015-15 Prentos Kostas 2nd Honourable Mention, 15° Sake, Ostroda, 2015 Source: |
White : Kh1, Black : Kh3, Neutral : Qb4 Re4 Bf8 (1 + 1 + 3) h#2 twins: a) diagram, b) nQb4 to f4 Face to Face |
a) nQb4 1.nRe6 nQb3+ 2.nBb4 nBe7# b) nQf4 1.nBa3 nQf5+ 2.nRg4 nRa4# Face-to-Face: When a white piece is just one rank below a black piece on the same file, they exchange their walk. Miniature. Reciprocal Anti-batteries. Orthogonal-Diagonal Transformation. There are several entries that tried to show ODT in a few pieces, but we think this one is the best and the most elegant in spite of the slight discrepancies between two solutions (FTF-specific battery in a) and ordinary battery in b)). |
Problem-2015-16 Prentos Kostas 4th Prize, 4° FIDE Cup in Composing, 2015 Source: |
h#2.5 2 solutions |
1…Bb3 2.Bc4 Bd1 3.Bb5 Re5# 1…Rh5 2.Rf5 Rh3 3.Rf7 Bd5# Reciprocal interception of the pair Ra5/Bg8 on two different squares. That is the novelty for this matrix. See pdb/P0579541 and yacpdb/383043. “Bicolor Bristol line opening and ODT. Although the white piece that opens the line will move again on the second move, the motivation for the Bristol is quite clear, as becomes evident by the "tries": {1...Bc4? (2…Be2) 3.??} and {1...Rd5? (2…Rd3) 3.??}” (author). |