I graduated, in Economics, from the Athens University and I work as an employee of Alpha Bank.
I started as a solver of chess problems, being influenced by the columns of Triantafyllos Siaperas in various newspapers of the eighties, and later I turned to composing, mainly as a means to express my creativity.
Now I have enough publications abroad, giving emphasis to Helpmates and Selfmates.”
Ioannis (John) Kalkavouras is a modest man with many prizes for his compositions. In the following, we will see three problems of his, having also his commentary.
![]() | (Problem 242) Kalkavouras Ioannis, Second Prize, Variantim (Israel), 2006 Helpmate in 2.5 moves. Two solutions. h#2.5 21111 (4+12) |
[1B6/8/3K1p2/1b6/3b3p/3r1qk1/Q2prp1s/3B2s1] |
In helpmates having integer number of moves, the Black plays first. Here the moves are 2.5, thus we start with a move by White.
a) Key : 1...Qa2-d5! 2.Re2-e6+ Kd6xe6+ 3.Kg3-g4 Qd5-f5#
b) Key : 1...Qa2-e6! 2.Qf3-d5+ Kd6xd5+ 3.Kg3-f3 Qe6-e4#
I.K. comment : “Extended two-mover with exchange of places between wK and wQ on the squares d5/e6, interchange of sacrifices by half-pinned black pieces on the above squares and final pictures of mates with a pinned black piece.”
a) Key : 1.Rb3-b4! (1.Bb5?) Ba2xc4 2.Bc6-e4 Bc4-d5 3.Rh4-f4 (Bf4?) Rc8-c3#
b) bPg2-->g3
Key : 1.Bc6-b5! (1.Rb4?) Rc8xc4 2.Rb3-e3 Rc4-c3 3.Bg5-f4 (Rf4?) Ba2-d5#
I.K. comment : “Line interferences of bQ with dual avoidance, elimination captures on c4, focal play, black Grimshaw with dual avoidance on f4”.
When there is a pair of answers but in every variation only one answer is valid we have dual avoidance.
We observe the similar strategy of the solutions : The Pawn c4 is captured by the wB, which continues his stride in order to pin a bB opening a line for the wR, which gives mate. The Pawn c4 is captured by the wR, which continues his stride in order to pin a bR opening a line for the wB, which gives mate.
Let us see the focal play : The bBc6, which stops Rc8-c3+ and guards Ba2-d5+, goes to e4 continuing to defend these, but unfortunately is pinned there allowing Rc8-c3+. The bRb3, which stops Ba2-d5+ and guards Rc8-c3+, goes to e3 continuing to defend these, but unfortunately is pinned there allowing Ba2-d5+.
Theme Focal play : A black linear piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop) focuses on two squares in two different directions, but when it moves it is forced to lose focus and abandon the guarding of one of the squares. |
For the Grimshaw intersection, between linear pieces of unsimilar way of movement, we have already given many examples.
![]() | (Problem 244) Kalkavouras Ioannis, Die Schwalbe (Germany), 2005 Selfmate in 9 moves. There is set play. There are tries. * s#9 (6+11) |
[4R3/8/1p4B1/brR5/pp3p2/r2p1k1K/p1Pp4/6Q1] |
Phase of the set play (*) : 1...b3? 2.Be4+ Ke2 3.Bxd3+ Kf3 4.Be4+ Ke2 5.Bg6+ Kf3 6.Rc3+ Bxc3 7.Bh5+ Rxh5#
Phases of tries : {1.Rc~? [2.Bh5+ Rxh5#] R(x)h5! 2.Bxh5# (of course it is completely wrong for a selfmate, the white to give mate, theme Berlin)},
{1.Be4+? Ke2! 2.Bxd3+ Kf3 3.Be4+ Ke2+}.
Phase of the actual game : Key : 1.Rd5! [2.Rxd3 Rxd3 3.Bh5+ Rxh5#] b3
2.Be4+ Ke2 3.Bxd3+ Kf3 4.Be4+ Ke2 5.Bg6+ Kf3
6.Qd1+ Kf2 7.Rxd2+ Bxd2 8.Re2+ Kf3 9.Bh5+ Rxh5#
I.K. comment : “Problem of Neo-German school (Logical) in combination with theme Berlin”.
The problems of the Neo-German school have a Preliminary plan (Vorplan), (which is needed for the General plan (Hauptplan) to be succesfully applied), which has appeared in the tries, but has failed. These problems are also called Logical problems. See the themes Roman, Hamburg and Dresden.
The move 2.Bxh5# of the try becomes 9.Bh5+ in the actual play. (Theme Berlin).
Theme Berlin : A move, which gives mate in a try, becomes a simple check in the actual play. |
(This post in Greek language).
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