In Jurmala of Latvia in 2008 as [Best study of the Year 2007] was selected a prized study of the Czech problemist Mario Matous, and we present it here.
Study of the year 2007.
![]() | (Problem 366) Mario Matous, First Prize, Polasek and Vlasak 50 J Ty 2007, White plays and wins. + (4 + 4) |
[8/q7/8/2pp4/5K2/8/2RS1B1k/8] |
To solve this study, you may begin with
Key : 1.Sf3+! Kh1! (why not 1...Kh3? )
and you discover the continuation (which is consisted from two 'symmetrical' variations).
The solution is written below...
Key : 1.Sf3! Kh1!
(not 1...Kh3? 2.Sg5+ Kg2 3.Bxc5+ and the black Queen is lost)
2.Bd4!! ( > 3. Rh2# )
(not 2.Bxc5? Qa4+ 3.Sd4 Qxd4+! 4.Bxd4 = stalemate )
(not 2...Qb8+? 3.Be5 Qf8+ 4.Ke3 Qh6+ 5.Kf2 c4 6.Ra2 Qb6+ 7.Bd4 Qb1 8.Ra1 1-0)
(not 2...Qc7+? with possible continuations [3.Se5 Qb8 4.Rb2! Qf8+ 5.Kg3 Qg7+ 6.Sg4 Qc7+ 7.Be5 Qh7 8.Rd2 Qb1 9.Rd1+ Qxd1 10.Sf2+ 1-0] or [3.Se5 Qc8 4.Kg3 Qg8+ 5.Sg4 Qb8+ 6.Kh3 Qb3+ 7.Rc3 Qb1 8.Sf2+ Kg1 9.Se4+ cxd4 10.Rg3+ Kf1 11.Sd2+ 1-0])
(not 3.Kg3? Qg6+ losing the Rook)
4.Kf2! Qf4
(not 5.Rc8? Qe3+ 6.Kg3 Qh6 7.Kf2 Qe3+ 8.Kg3 Qh6 = draw by triple repetition
nor 5.Re2? Qe3+ = draw
nor 5.Ra2? Qc1 6.Kg3!? Qc7+ 7.Kf2 Qc1 = draw by triple repetition
which cannot be avoided by 6.Ra8 Qc2+ 7.Kg3 Qg6+ 8.Kf2 Qc2+ =)
Black is in zugzwang situation.
First variation, where the pawn moves and blocks the diagonal b1-h7.
6.Rc8! Qh6
7.Rb8! (avoiding Qb6+) 1-0
Second variation, 'symmetrical' to the main diagonal a8-h1.
6.Kg3 d3
7.Ra6! Qc1
8.Ra7! (avoiding Qc7+) 1-0
Sad info : mario matous 1947 - 2013
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