Sunday, April 05, 2020

Another composition in CoVID19 times

Today we present a problem by Ioannis Garoufalidis, awarded Greek solver and composer.

Condition: Because of the corona virus CoVID19 … the pieces must be kept in a distance from each other!
The condition is known as Anti-ContactChess or Anti-koko.


FEN: 8/3P2p1/8/8/8/k7/4p3/7K
h#2, (2+3)
twin: bKa3 to g5
Ioannis Garoufalidis (GRE)

Black plays and helps
White mate in two moves

Fairy condition:

Condition Anti-koko: The moves, where one piece goes near another piece, are not legal and are prohibited. The capture of a piece is allowed.

a) bKa3
1.e1=S d8=Q 2.Sc2 Qa5#

b) bKg5
1.e1=B d8=R 2.Bg3 Rd5#

An Allumwandlung (AUW) problem with model mates.

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