I would like to thank all the persons, who have honoured me by putting a link from their blog or their site pointing to my blog [kallitexniko-skaki.blogspot.com] .
The links were not equally effective, and this was expected of course. Some visitors follow the link, take a peek and never see those pages again. Hundreds of others study systematically, re-entering over 250 times, and staying several minutes in the pages of my blog.
In the period of operation of this blog, from 07-02-2008 to 31-10-2008, 2454 persistent visitors came from the following addresses. (In front of each address we write the present ranking and in parentheses the ranking of the address three months ago).
01 (01) From http://www.zinonchess.gr (Chess Club Zenon Glyfada) came 675 visitors.
02 (02) From http://skakistiko.blogspot.com (Chess blog, Cat of Schroendinger) came 303 visitors.
03 (03) From http://konidaris.blogspot.com (Writer – Solver Panagiotis Konidaris) came 212 visitors.
04 (06) From http://chess-problems-gr.blogspot.com (english speaking version of this blog) came 186 visitors.
05 (04) From http://4lyk-kallith.att.sch.gr (school, 4th General Lykeio of Kallithea) came 161 visitors.
06 (05) From http://www.sopatron.gr (Chess Club of Patras) came 129 visitors.
07 (11) From http://so-aigaleo.blogspot.com (Chess Club of Aegaleo) came 72 visitors.
08 (10) From http://alef-gr.blogspot.com (Science Fiction Club of Athens) came 69 visitors.
09 (07) From http://www.murdzia.com (Piotr Murdzia, Solver from Poland) came 54 visitors.
10 (09) From http://skakistasholeia.blogspot.com (Chess in schools, Ilias Economopoulos) came 45 visitors.
The following sources brought less visitors :
11 (18) http://neospalamedes.blogspot.com (New Palamede, Club Avax and Pessi)
12 (08) http://lykeio6o.blogspot.com (school, 6th General Lykeio of Kallithea)
13 (12) http://anyfantischess.blogspot.com (Zatrikion, mr. Anyfantis)
14 (--) http://skaki-thesprotia.blogspot.com (Chess Club of Thesprotia)
15 (15) http://alice-mirrorland.blogspot.com (Alice Montez)
16 (--) http://www.athenschess.gr (Chess Club SOP - SMAOK)
17 (30) http://www.skakistis.gr (Chess player – The official page of Chess Union of Salonika and ESK)
18 (--) http://www.sms-elefsinas.gr (Chess Educational Club of Elefsina)
19 (28) http://anoixichess.blogspot.com (Chess Springtime)
20 (14) http://freeskaki.blogspot.com (Free Chess, Herakleion Attica)
21 (22) http://www.greekbase.gr (Greekbase - Your Online Chess Supporter)
22 (16) http://anyfantis.blogspot.com (Weaver, mr Anyfantis)
23 (17) http://bstephen.me.uk (mr Brian Stephenson, British Chess Problem Society)
24 (21) http://edessa-chess.blogspot.com (Edessa – Chess Update)
25 (--) http://dimiourgiakaidiaskedasi.blogspot.com (Creation and Entertainment)
26 (--) http://el.wikipedia.org (Greek Wikipedia)
27 (20) http://www.essnachess.gr (Union of Chess Clubs of Attica)
28 (--) http://stelling.cc/xadrez (Problemas de Xadrez - Roberto Stelling from Brazil)
29 (24) http://adiple.blogspot.com (Navigating up-stream I search for Hope, Alexandra)
30 (--) http://alta-zor.blogspot.com (Altathor)
31 (25) http://greekchess.wordpress.com (Greek Chess Weblog)
32 (34) http://naftilos.blogspot.com (ANemos)
33 (13) http://www.pirgoschess.gr (Chess Club of Pyrgos Greece)
34 (19) http://psifiakiellada.blogspot.com (Digital Greece, Broadcasting with Nikos Vassilakos)
From the following addresses the visitors came only once.
35 (23) http://pitselischess.blogspot.com (Greg's page, Pitselos)
36 (26) http://www.patrachess.gr (Patra Chess - Makis Loukeris)
37 (27) http://angela-lucy.blogspot.com (Swimming Around - Angela Lucy)
38 (29) http://keipi.blogspot.com (Tales of a Crazy World - Panagiotis Koustas)
39 (31) http://sukumus.blogspot.com (Sukumus Fabulus Est - Dimitris Arvanitis)
40 (32) http://foufoutos.wordpress.com (Foufoutos)
41 (33) http://mor-fe-as.blogspot.com (Staying awake...)
42 (35) http://s.e.volou.googlepages.com (Chess Union of Volos Greece)
42 (--) http://www.chessvibes.com (ChessVibes)
43 (--) http://chesspellets.blogspot.com (Chess Pellets - Joaquim Crusats from Spain)
If someone is not included by mistake, please leave me a message to correct the omission. Thank you again.
(Similar list for the blog in Greek language).
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Emmanuel Manolas (2)
The problems we see here belong to Fairy Chess, because they all have the condition Madrasi, (which is my favourite).
Madrasi : Opponent pieces of the same type are paralysed when they threaten one another. Each piece loses all other properties and keeps only the power of paralysing the opponent similar piece. Each piece regains all its properties at the moment the threat is interrupted.
The condition took its name from the city Madras of India, from which came the famous composer Abdul Jabbar Karwatkar. We will see first an excellent problem of his.
Key : 1.Bf8! (bBh6 is paralyzed, the threat is [2.Se4xg5#], but the wK is exposed to four checks)
1...Qxb6+ 2.d8=Q#
1...Rxe5+ 2.d8=S#
1...Rd5+ 2.d8=R#
1...Bxb6+ 2.d8=B#
The problem shows the four promotions (it is an Allumwandlung (AUW) problem).
We see next original Madrasi problems by Manolas Emmanuel, (you may also see a Retro Madrasi 5-mover already presented here).
Tries : {1.Ka8? / Ka7? Kc8!}, {1.Sf6-g4? / Sf6-h5? / Sf6-h7? / Sf6-g8? / Sf6xe8? Kd7!}, {1.Sf6-d7? Kxd7!}.
Key : 1.Sd5-e7! [2.Se7-c6# / Ba5# / Rd1#]
1...Bh6 2 Se7-c6#
1...Rxe7 2 Ba5#
1...Bxe7 2 Rd1#
With the key three threats are introduced but later they are separated.
Tries : {1.Kc7? (zz) / Kd6? (zz) / Kc8? (zz) / Ke6? (zz) Ke8!}, {1.Sh6-f5? (zz) / Sh6xg8? (zz) Kf7!}, {1.Sh6-f7? (zz) Kxf7!}.
Key : 1.Sc6-d4! [2.Sd4-e6# / Ra8# / Ba3#]
1...Rh4~ 2.Sd4-e6#
1...Rh4xd4 2.Ba3#
1...Bh8~ 2.Sd4-e6#
1...Bxd4 2.Ra4-a8#
The key cuts two lines of paralysis with triple threat, but in the variations only one of the threats is valid.
In this more-mover problem the bK has minimum mobility and the wK has the ease to go and free its piece which will give the mate.
We show only the moves of the White.
Key : 1.Ka4! 2.Ka3 3.Ka2 4.Kb1 5.Kc2
6.Kd3 7.Kxe3 8.Kf2 9.Kg3 10.Kh4
11.Kg5 12.Kxf5 13.Ke6 14.Kf7 15.Kxg8
16.Rd8-d2 17.Rd2-a2 18.Ra2xa6#
The plan seems to be simple : One wR will sidestep to threat mate, the bR will stop it and then the other wR will be interposed... Let us see :
Try : {1.Rc5? Rc1!}.
Try : {1.Rc3? Rc1!}.
Try : {1.Re3? Bxe3!}.
Key : 1.Re5! [2.Re8+ Re1 3.Rd3-e3#]
1...Re1 2.Rd3-e3 [3.Re8# / Ba5#]
___2...Bxe3 3.Re5-e8#
___2...Bf4 3.Ba5#
(This post in Greek language).
Madrasi : Opponent pieces of the same type are paralysed when they threaten one another. Each piece loses all other properties and keeps only the power of paralysing the opponent similar piece. Each piece regains all its properties at the moment the threat is interrupted.
The condition took its name from the city Madras of India, from which came the famous composer Abdul Jabbar Karwatkar. We will see first an excellent problem of his.
![]() | (Problem 261) Abdul Jabbar Karwatkar, First Prize, The Problemist 1983, Mate in 2. Madrasi condition. #2, Madrasi, ( 11 + 10 ) |
[6Rr/bR1P3k/1Ps1BP1b/qrB1SPp1/1p1KS3/p7/8/8] |
Key : 1.Bf8! (bBh6 is paralyzed, the threat is [2.Se4xg5#], but the wK is exposed to four checks)
1...Qxb6+ 2.d8=Q#
1...Rxe5+ 2.d8=S#
1...Rd5+ 2.d8=R#
1...Bxb6+ 2.d8=B#
The problem shows the four promotions (it is an Allumwandlung (AUW) problem).
We see next original Madrasi problems by Manolas Emmanuel, (you may also see a Retro Madrasi 5-mover already presented here).
![]() | (Problem 262) Manolas Emmanuel, original, Mate in 2. Madrasi condition. #2, Madrasi, (5 + 3) |
[1K1krb2/8/5S2/3S4/1B6/8/8/4R3] |
Tries : {1.Ka8? / Ka7? Kc8!}, {1.Sf6-g4? / Sf6-h5? / Sf6-h7? / Sf6-g8? / Sf6xe8? Kd7!}, {1.Sf6-d7? Kxd7!}.
Key : 1.Sd5-e7! [2.Se7-c6# / Ba5# / Rd1#]
1...Bh6 2 Se7-c6#
1...Rxe7 2 Ba5#
1...Bxe7 2 Rd1#
With the key three threats are introduced but later they are separated.
![]() | (Problem 263) Manolas Emmanuel, original, Mate in 2. Madrasi condition. #2, Madrasi, (6 + 5) |
[5krb/3K4/2S4S/7p/R6r/8/1B6/6R1] |
Tries : {1.Kc7? (zz) / Kd6? (zz) / Kc8? (zz) / Ke6? (zz) Ke8!}, {1.Sh6-f5? (zz) / Sh6xg8? (zz) Kf7!}, {1.Sh6-f7? (zz) Kxf7!}.
Key : 1.Sc6-d4! [2.Sd4-e6# / Ra8# / Ba3#]
1...Rh4~ 2.Sd4-e6#
1...Rh4xd4 2.Ba3#
1...Bh8~ 2.Sd4-e6#
1...Bxd4 2.Ra4-a8#
The key cuts two lines of paralysis with triple threat, but in the variations only one of the threats is valid.
![]() | (Problem 264) Manolas Emmanuel, original, Mate in 18. Madrasi condition. #18, Madrasi, (10 + 11) |
[krQR2rb/2p4p/q1b4P/K1p2p2/2P2P2/1R2p3/4P3/B6B] |
In this more-mover problem the bK has minimum mobility and the wK has the ease to go and free its piece which will give the mate.
We show only the moves of the White.
Key : 1.Ka4! 2.Ka3 3.Ka2 4.Kb1 5.Kc2
6.Kd3 7.Kxe3 8.Kf2 9.Kg3 10.Kh4
11.Kg5 12.Kxf5 13.Ke6 14.Kf7 15.Kxg8
16.Rd8-d2 17.Rd2-a2 18.Ra2xa6#
![]() | (Problem 265) Manolas Emmanuel, original, Mate in 3. Madrasi condition. #3, Madrasi, (7 + 5) |
[3k4/1p1P2p1/P2K1P1b/3R4/8/3R4/2B4/3r4] |
The plan seems to be simple : One wR will sidestep to threat mate, the bR will stop it and then the other wR will be interposed... Let us see :
Try : {1.Rc5? Rc1!}.
Try : {1.Rc3? Rc1!}.
Try : {1.Re3? Bxe3!}.
Key : 1.Re5! [2.Re8+ Re1 3.Rd3-e3#]
1...Re1 2.Rd3-e3 [3.Re8# / Ba5#]
___2...Bxe3 3.Re5-e8#
___2...Bf4 3.Ba5#
(This post in Greek language).
(GRE) Manolas
Monday, November 03, 2008
Eight studies (Exercise 7)
A solution contest (De Feijter Study Competition) with eight studies was held in 2003, at Deventer in Holland. Several solvers participated, and some of them were champions in their countries.
What happened there was unprecedented. Mr Daniel Stellwagen, a 16 years old solver from Holland, solved all the studies in perfect manner. Today Stellwagen is Grand Master in chess, a solver and a composer.
The studies presented various grades of difficulty. The percentage of the solved studies is shown below :
Study 3rd: 81,25% (Zachodjakin, 1930)
Study 7th: 70,83% (Vukcevich, 1951)
Study 2nd: 65,58% (Bergqwist, 2002)
Study 6th: 56,67% (Clausen, 1927)
Study 5th: 45,83% (Bazlov, 1971)
Study 1st: 39,58% (Smyslov, 2000)
Study 4th: 35,00% (Stavrietsky/Ryabinin, 1999)
Study 8th: 30,00% (Smyslov, 2000)
The points of the solvers (7 points per study) were the following :
01 Daniel Stellwagen: 56
02 Marcel van Herck: 47, (4 times champion of Belgium)
03 Hans Boehm: 37
04 Eddy van Beers: 34
05 Harold v.d. Heijden: 32
06 Dolf Wissmann: 32, (champion of Holland in 1999)
07 Bert v.d. Marel: 26
08 Peter v.d. Heuvel: 25
09 Ed van de Gevel: 25
10 Harm Benak: 19
11 Andy Ooms: 12
12 Ward Stoffelen: 5
We took these studies (and the rest of the information) from the page with puzzle-17 of the Chessbase and we present them here. The impatient readers can see the solutions, prepared nicely by TD Rene Olthof, here.
Our proposal : Try to solve these studies. Take your time. After a few days we will post the solutions and you will compare these with your solutions. (Look at the end of this post).
Study 1st
Study 2nd
Study 3rd
Study 4th
Study 5th
Study 6th
Study 7th
Study 8th
(2008-11-07) Here are the solutions of the studies
Study 1st : Smyslov, V. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.Rg1! (the wR must stop the promotion of the Pawn) Bd3
2.h6 (planning 3.Rg7+ 4.Ra7, not 2.Ra1? Bb1 3.Kd6 h6!! –+ Black wins) Kf6
3.Ra1 Bb1
4.Kd6 (zz) Kf5 (or 4...Kg6 5.Kxe6 Kxh6 6.Kf6 Kh5 7.Kg7 h6 8.f5 Bxf5 9.Rxa2 = draw)
5.Ke7! (not 5.Kd7? e5! 6.fxe5 Kxe5 7.Ke7 Kd4 8.Kf6 Kc3 9.Kg7 Kb2 10.Rxa2+ Kxa2 –+ Black wins]) Kxf4
6.Kxe6 Kg5 (or 6...Ke4 7.Kf6 Kd3 8.Kg7 Kc3 9.Rxa2 Bxa2 10.Kxh7 Bb1+ 11.Kg7 = draw)
7.Kf7! Kxh6
8.Kg8! Kg6
9.Kh8 h5
10.Rxa2 Bxa2 = (stalemate!)
Study 2nd : Bergqwist, D. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.Qe7+! Rxe7
2.f8=S+ Rxf8
3.gxf8=S+ Kxe8
4.d7+ Qxd7
5.Sf6+ Bxf6+
6.Se6+ Kf7 (if 6...Bxh8 7.Rf8#)
7.Rf8+ Kxe6 (if 7...Kg6 8.R8xf6+ Kh7 9.Rxh5+ Kg8 10.Rf8#)
Study 3rd : Zachodjakin, G. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.g7+! Sxg7 (if 1...Kg8 2.Sg4 f1=Q 3.Sf6+ Kf7 4.g8=Q#)
2.Sf7+ Kg8
3.Bc5! f1=Q
4.Sh6+ Kh8
5.Bd6! = (and this is a positional draw, because if the bS is lifted then wB checks the bK from the square e6, where the wB cannot be captured by the bQ, because of the fork of the wS).
Study 4th : Stavrietsky / Ryabinin - White plays and wins
Key : 1.d8=S! [2.Sf7+ [3.Be4#]] (not 1.d8=Q? Rf4+! = draw)
1...Re8+ (not 1...Bxd8? 2.Bxe4 Be7+ 3.Rxe7 d1=Q 4.Rh7#, nor 1...Rf4+? 2.Sf7+ Rxf7+ 3.Kxf7 d1=Q 4.Rb8+ Bd8 5.Rxd8#)
2.Kxe8 d1=Q
3.Kf8 Bb4+ (not 3...Qxd3? 4.Sf7+ Kh7 5.Se5+ +– White wins)
4.Rxb4 Qf3+ (not 4...Qxd3? 5.Rh4+ Qh7 6.Sf7#)
5.Bf5 (not 5.Sf7+? Qxf7+ 6.Kxf7 = stalemate) Qxf5+ (if 5...Qh5 6.Rh4 Qxh4 7.Sf7#)
6.Sf7+ Kh7
7.Rh4+ Kg6
Study 5th : Bazlov, Y. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.Rh5+! (not 1.Sxa8? Ka6!) Ka4
2.Sxa8 Rc1 (not 2...Ka3 3.Rh2! +- )
3.Sb6+ (not 3.Rh6? Ka3 = ) Ka3
4.Rb5! Ka2 (not 4...Rxa1 5.Sc4+ Ka2 6.Rb2#)
5.Sb3 Rb1
6.Sc4! Rxb3
7.Ra5+ Kb1
8.Sd2+ + (White wins)
Study 6th : Clausen, S. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.f7! (not 1.Ba7? Rxg6 2.f7 Rf6 = draw, nor 1.gxh7? Ra2+ 2.Ba7 Rxh7 = draw) Rf1
2.gxh7 (not 2.f8=Q? Rxf8+ 3.Rxf8 Rxg6 = draw) Rh2
3.Bf2! Rfxf2
4.Rg2 (not 4.Rb8+? Kc6 5.Rc8+ Kd7 6.Rc2 Rxc2 7.f8=Q Ra2+ 8.Kb7 Rhb2+ -+ Black wins) Rhxg2
5.h8=Q Rxf7
6.Qe8+ (if 6.Qe5+ Kb6 7.Qe6+) +- White wins
Study 7th : Vukcevich, M. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.Bd3! (not 1.Kc3? Sd3 -+ Black wins, nor 1.Ka4? Sd3 2.Bxd3 e1=Q 3.Rb3 Qd1 -+ Black wins)
1...Sxd3 (not 1...b1=Q+ 2.Bxb1 Kxb1 3.Re8 = draw)
2.Kc2 [3.Ra8#] Sc1 (not [2...e1=S+ 3.Kd2 b1=Q 4.Rxb1+ Kxb1 = draw, nor 2...Se1+ 3.Kd2 = draw)
3.Rxb2 e1=Q
4.Rb1+ Ka2
5.Ra1+ Kxa1 = stalemate
Study 8th : Smyslov, V. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.a3! (not 1.Kf2? a3! 2.Ke3 Kc3 3.h3 Kc4! 4.Kf3 Kd3 5.Kf2 Ke4
6.Kg3 Ke3 7.Kh4 Kd2 8.Kg5 Kc2 9.Kxg6 Kb2 10.h4 Kxa2
11.h5 Kb3 12.h6 a2 13.h7 a1=Q -+ Black wins) Kd3
2.Kf2 Ke4
3.Kg3 Ke3
4.h3 Ke4
5.Kh4 [6.Kg5] Kxf4 = stalemate
(This post in Greek language).
What happened there was unprecedented. Mr Daniel Stellwagen, a 16 years old solver from Holland, solved all the studies in perfect manner. Today Stellwagen is Grand Master in chess, a solver and a composer.
The studies presented various grades of difficulty. The percentage of the solved studies is shown below :
Study 3rd: 81,25% (Zachodjakin, 1930)
Study 7th: 70,83% (Vukcevich, 1951)
Study 2nd: 65,58% (Bergqwist, 2002)
Study 6th: 56,67% (Clausen, 1927)
Study 5th: 45,83% (Bazlov, 1971)
Study 1st: 39,58% (Smyslov, 2000)
Study 4th: 35,00% (Stavrietsky/Ryabinin, 1999)
Study 8th: 30,00% (Smyslov, 2000)
The points of the solvers (7 points per study) were the following :
01 Daniel Stellwagen: 56
02 Marcel van Herck: 47, (4 times champion of Belgium)
03 Hans Boehm: 37
04 Eddy van Beers: 34
05 Harold v.d. Heijden: 32
06 Dolf Wissmann: 32, (champion of Holland in 1999)
07 Bert v.d. Marel: 26
08 Peter v.d. Heuvel: 25
09 Ed van de Gevel: 25
10 Harm Benak: 19
11 Andy Ooms: 12
12 Ward Stoffelen: 5
We took these studies (and the rest of the information) from the page with puzzle-17 of the Chessbase and we present them here. The impatient readers can see the solutions, prepared nicely by TD Rene Olthof, here.
Our proposal : Try to solve these studies. Take your time. After a few days we will post the solutions and you will compare these with your solutions. (Look at the end of this post).
Study 1st
![]() | (Problem 253) Smyslov V. Moi Etyudi #41, 2000 White plays and draws = (4 + 5) |
[8/5k1p/b3p3/2K3RP/5P2/8/p7/8] |
Study 2nd
![]() | (Problem 254) Bergqwist D. Tidskrift for Schack, 2002 White plays and wins + (9 + 7) |
[2q1SQSR/3k1PP1/3Prr2/4bR1p/8/3p4/8/4K3] |
Study 3rd
![]() | (Problem 255) Zachodjakin G. First Prize, Shakmaty Listok, 1930 White plays and draws = (5 + 4) |
[5B1k/7p/6P1/4SsP1/8/8/K4p2/8] |
Study 4th
![]() | (Problem 256) Stavrietsky / Ryabinin Studium, 1999 White plays and wins + (4 + 4) |
[5K1k/1R1P4/8/b7/4r3/3B4/3p4/8] |
Study 5th
![]() | (Problem 257) Bazlov Y. First Prize, Shakmaty v SSSR, 1971 White plays and wins + (4 + 3) |
[s7/2S4K/8/k7/7R/2r5/8/S7] |
Study 6th
![]() | (Problem 258) Clausen S. 2nd/3rd prize, Sveriges SF, 1927 White plays and wins + (5 + 4) |
[K5R1/7p/1B3PP1/1k7/8/8/6r1/7r] |
Study 7th
![]() | (Problem 259) Vukcevich M. 1951 White plays and draws = (3 + 4) |
[1R6/8/B7/8/8/1K6/1p2p3/k3s3] |
Study 8th
![]() | (Problem 260) Smyslov V. Moi Etyudi #44, 2000 White plays and draws = (4 + 4) |
[8/8/6p1/5p2/p1k2P2/8/P6P/4K3] |
(2008-11-07) Here are the solutions of the studies
Study 1st : Smyslov, V. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.Rg1! (the wR must stop the promotion of the Pawn) Bd3
2.h6 (planning 3.Rg7+ 4.Ra7, not 2.Ra1? Bb1 3.Kd6 h6!! –+ Black wins) Kf6
3.Ra1 Bb1
4.Kd6 (zz) Kf5 (or 4...Kg6 5.Kxe6 Kxh6 6.Kf6 Kh5 7.Kg7 h6 8.f5 Bxf5 9.Rxa2 = draw)
5.Ke7! (not 5.Kd7? e5! 6.fxe5 Kxe5 7.Ke7 Kd4 8.Kf6 Kc3 9.Kg7 Kb2 10.Rxa2+ Kxa2 –+ Black wins]) Kxf4
6.Kxe6 Kg5 (or 6...Ke4 7.Kf6 Kd3 8.Kg7 Kc3 9.Rxa2 Bxa2 10.Kxh7 Bb1+ 11.Kg7 = draw)
7.Kf7! Kxh6
8.Kg8! Kg6
9.Kh8 h5
10.Rxa2 Bxa2 = (stalemate!)
Study 2nd : Bergqwist, D. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.Qe7+! Rxe7
2.f8=S+ Rxf8
3.gxf8=S+ Kxe8
4.d7+ Qxd7
5.Sf6+ Bxf6+
6.Se6+ Kf7 (if 6...Bxh8 7.Rf8#)
7.Rf8+ Kxe6 (if 7...Kg6 8.R8xf6+ Kh7 9.Rxh5+ Kg8 10.Rf8#)
Study 3rd : Zachodjakin, G. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.g7+! Sxg7 (if 1...Kg8 2.Sg4 f1=Q 3.Sf6+ Kf7 4.g8=Q#)
2.Sf7+ Kg8
3.Bc5! f1=Q
4.Sh6+ Kh8
5.Bd6! = (and this is a positional draw, because if the bS is lifted then wB checks the bK from the square e6, where the wB cannot be captured by the bQ, because of the fork of the wS).
Study 4th : Stavrietsky / Ryabinin - White plays and wins
Key : 1.d8=S! [2.Sf7+ [3.Be4#]] (not 1.d8=Q? Rf4+! = draw)
1...Re8+ (not 1...Bxd8? 2.Bxe4 Be7+ 3.Rxe7 d1=Q 4.Rh7#, nor 1...Rf4+? 2.Sf7+ Rxf7+ 3.Kxf7 d1=Q 4.Rb8+ Bd8 5.Rxd8#)
2.Kxe8 d1=Q
3.Kf8 Bb4+ (not 3...Qxd3? 4.Sf7+ Kh7 5.Se5+ +– White wins)
4.Rxb4 Qf3+ (not 4...Qxd3? 5.Rh4+ Qh7 6.Sf7#)
5.Bf5 (not 5.Sf7+? Qxf7+ 6.Kxf7 = stalemate) Qxf5+ (if 5...Qh5 6.Rh4 Qxh4 7.Sf7#)
6.Sf7+ Kh7
7.Rh4+ Kg6
Study 5th : Bazlov, Y. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.Rh5+! (not 1.Sxa8? Ka6!) Ka4
2.Sxa8 Rc1 (not 2...Ka3 3.Rh2! +- )
3.Sb6+ (not 3.Rh6? Ka3 = ) Ka3
4.Rb5! Ka2 (not 4...Rxa1 5.Sc4+ Ka2 6.Rb2#)
5.Sb3 Rb1
6.Sc4! Rxb3
7.Ra5+ Kb1
8.Sd2+ + (White wins)
Study 6th : Clausen, S. - White plays and wins
Key : 1.f7! (not 1.Ba7? Rxg6 2.f7 Rf6 = draw, nor 1.gxh7? Ra2+ 2.Ba7 Rxh7 = draw) Rf1
2.gxh7 (not 2.f8=Q? Rxf8+ 3.Rxf8 Rxg6 = draw) Rh2
3.Bf2! Rfxf2
4.Rg2 (not 4.Rb8+? Kc6 5.Rc8+ Kd7 6.Rc2 Rxc2 7.f8=Q Ra2+ 8.Kb7 Rhb2+ -+ Black wins) Rhxg2
5.h8=Q Rxf7
6.Qe8+ (if 6.Qe5+ Kb6 7.Qe6+) +- White wins
Study 7th : Vukcevich, M. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.Bd3! (not 1.Kc3? Sd3 -+ Black wins, nor 1.Ka4? Sd3 2.Bxd3 e1=Q 3.Rb3 Qd1 -+ Black wins)
1...Sxd3 (not 1...b1=Q+ 2.Bxb1 Kxb1 3.Re8 = draw)
2.Kc2 [3.Ra8#] Sc1 (not [2...e1=S+ 3.Kd2 b1=Q 4.Rxb1+ Kxb1 = draw, nor 2...Se1+ 3.Kd2 = draw)
3.Rxb2 e1=Q
4.Rb1+ Ka2
5.Ra1+ Kxa1 = stalemate
Study 8th : Smyslov, V. - White plays and draws
Key : 1.a3! (not 1.Kf2? a3! 2.Ke3 Kc3 3.h3 Kc4! 4.Kf3 Kd3 5.Kf2 Ke4
6.Kg3 Ke3 7.Kh4 Kd2 8.Kg5 Kc2 9.Kxg6 Kb2 10.h4 Kxa2
11.h5 Kb3 12.h6 a2 13.h7 a1=Q -+ Black wins) Kd3
2.Kf2 Ke4
3.Kg3 Ke3
4.h3 Ke4
5.Kh4 [6.Kg5] Kxf4 = stalemate
(This post in Greek language).
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