Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Emmanuel Manolas (3)

Today's post is relevant with the theme Rex solus (=King alone), in which the black King is alone on the chess board. The white forces threatening him will eventually win and the solvers must find the way.

Below we present eight original compositions of the Greek composer Manolas (the owner of this blog).
The Problems 367 – 373 are two-movers and the Problem 374 is a three-mover.

Their solutions will not be difficult to find. Please try to solve them, and then send a comment with the eight keys.

Problems for solving. (The solutions have been appended to the end of this post).

(Problem 367)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (4 + 1)

(Problem 368)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (5 + 1)

(Problem 369)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (7 + 1)

(Problem 370)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (6 + 1)

(Problem 371)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (7 + 1)

(Problem 372)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (6 + 1)

(Problem 373)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 2.
#2 (7 + 1)

(Problem 374)
Emmanuel Manolas
Mate in 3.
#3 (7 + 1)

20090729 : update : The solutions of the problems

Problem 367
Tries : [1.Qc4+? Kxc4!], [1.Qd2+?/Qb2? Kc4!], [1.Qa4? Kc3!], [1.Qb3+? Kd4!].
Key : 1.Bd5!

Problem 368
Tries : [1.Qh5?/Qc8? Kc3!], [1.f7+? Kc5!].
Key : 1.Qb8!

Problem 369
Tries : [1.Rh5+? Kxd6!], [1.Sc5?/Sf8?/Sd8?/Sc7? Kd4!], [1.Sd4? Kxd4!], [1.Kc5?/Kc6?/Kc7? Kf6!].
Key : 1.Sf4!

Problem 370
Tries : [1.Sf7? Kxg6!], [1.Rg8+? Kxg8!], [1.Rf8? Kxf8!], [1.d8=S? Kf8!].
Key : 1.d8=B!

Problem 371
Tries : [1.Re8?/Bc6? Kc4!], [1.Rc4+? Kxc4!], [1.Rc1?/Rc2?/Rc3?/Rc5?/Rc6?/Rc7? Kxe4!], [1.Bb5?/Be6?/Be8? Kxd4!], [Sf2? Ke5!].
Key : 1.Rd8!

Problem 372
Tries : [1.Qg5+?/Qd2?/Qd5+? Kxa6!], [1.Qd3+?/Qa8?/Qc8?/c4+? Kxa5!], [1.Sc8?/Sa8? Ka4!], [1.Sa4? Kxa4!].
Key : 1.Sc4!

Problem 373
Key : 1.Bd6!

Problem 374
Tries : [1.Bd2?/Bc3? Kxb6!], [1.Ra1?/Ra2?/Rh3?/Rg3?/Re3?/Rc3+?/Rb3?/c4? Kd4!].
Key : 1.Rf3!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Best Study for 2007

The International Committee for Chess Problems selects one study each year and gives it the title [Study of the Year xxxx]. It is generally supposed that the best study of the year takes the title. The reality is slightly different, (that is there may be excellent studies for some year, not winning this title), but in some years the selected study is really beautiful.

In Jurmala of Latvia in 2008 as [Best study of the Year 2007] was selected a prized study of the Czech problemist Mario Matous, and we present it here.

Study of the year 2007.

(Problem 366)
Mario Matous,
First Prize, Polasek and Vlasak 50 J Ty 2007,
White plays and wins.
+ (4 + 4)

To solve this study, you may begin with
Key : 1.Sf3+! Kh1! (why not 1...Kh3? )
and you discover the continuation (which is consisted from two 'symmetrical' variations).

The solution is written below...

Key : 1.Sf3! Kh1!
(not 1...Kh3? 2.Sg5+ Kg2 3.Bxc5+ and the black Queen is lost)

2.Bd4!! ( > 3. Rh2# )
(not 2.Bxc5? Qa4+ 3.Sd4 Qxd4+! 4.Bxd4 = stalemate )

(not 2...Qb8+? 3.Be5 Qf8+ 4.Ke3 Qh6+ 5.Kf2 c4 6.Ra2 Qb6+ 7.Bd4 Qb1 8.Ra1 1-0)
(not 2...Qc7+? with possible continuations [3.Se5 Qb8 4.Rb2! Qf8+ 5.Kg3 Qg7+ 6.Sg4 Qc7+ 7.Be5 Qh7 8.Rd2 Qb1 9.Rd1+ Qxd1 10.Sf2+ 1-0] or [3.Se5 Qc8 4.Kg3 Qg8+ 5.Sg4 Qb8+ 6.Kh3 Qb3+ 7.Rc3 Qb1 8.Sf2+ Kg1 9.Se4+ cxd4 10.Rg3+ Kf1 11.Sd2+ 1-0])

(not 3.Kg3? Qg6+ losing the Rook)

4.Kf2! Qf4
(not 5.Rc8? Qe3+ 6.Kg3 Qh6 7.Kf2 Qe3+ 8.Kg3 Qh6 = draw by triple repetition
nor 5.Re2? Qe3+ = draw
nor 5.Ra2? Qc1 6.Kg3!? Qc7+ 7.Kf2 Qc1 = draw by triple repetition
which cannot be avoided by 6.Ra8 Qc2+ 7.Kg3 Qg6+ 8.Kf2 Qc2+ =)

Black is in zugzwang situation.

First variation, where the pawn moves and blocks the diagonal b1-h7.
6.Rc8! Qh6
7.Rb8! (avoiding Qb6+) 1-0

Second variation, 'symmetrical' to the main diagonal a8-h1.
6.Kg3 d3
7.Ra6! Qc1
8.Ra7! (avoiding Qc7+) 1-0

Sad info : mario matous 1947 - 2013

Friday, June 12, 2009

Solving contest 2009-05-31, 8 ESO, category2

We present the problems (of both rounds) of the second category (for junior solvers, easier problems, four per round), from the eighth Solving Contest for Chess Problems organized by the Greek Chess Federation (E.S.O. Elliniki Skakistiki Omospondia), and hosted by the Chess Club of Aegaleo in 31/05/2009.

The problems were selected by Ioannis Garoufalidis.

An award was given for his participation to the young player of C.C. Aegaleo John Katopodis (with 7,5 points in 40 possible).

Problems for solving. (The solutions are at the end of this post).

(Problem 358)
A. Kramer,
Deutsche Tageszeitung, 1922,
Mate in 2.
#2 (6 + 1)

(Problem 359)
M. Bosch,
Mate in 3.
#3 (4 + 2)

(Problem 360)
V. Nikitin,
Ural Problemist, 2008,
White plays and wins.
+ (2 + 3)

(Problem 361)
S. Jurisek,
Zadachi Etudi, 2005,
Helpmate in 2 moves. Two solutions.
h#2 2111 (5 + 2)

(Problem 362)
V. Shumarin,
Zadachi I Etudi, 2005,
Mate in 2.
#2 (5 + 2)

(Problem 363)
Koblov, Rostislav,
Zadachi I Etudi, 2005,
Mate in 3 moves.
#3 (5 + 2)

(Problem 364)
Galitsky, Alexander,
Mate in 4 moves.
#4 (4 + 3)

(Problem 365)
A. Zickermann, (version)
Feenschach, 1951,
Selfmate in 3 moves.
s#3 (4 + 3)

The solutions of the problems
The points of the solution are shown with bold numbers, a total of five for each correct solution.

(Problem 358) A. Kramer, 1922, #2

We must give a flight to the black King. There are many tries, and the theme is Bristol line opening (the parasitic piece that opens the line is not taking part to the mate).

Tries : [1.Qh1+? Kxh1!], [1.Qg1+? Kxg1!]
Tries : [1.Rd1? / Rd3? / Rd4? / Rd5? / Rd6? / Rd7? / Rd8 Kxg2!]
Tries : [1.Rc2? / Rc4? / Rc5? / Rc6? / Rc7? Kxg3!]

Key : 1.Rc8! (5)
1...Kxg3 2.Qc7#

(Problem 359) M. Bosch, #3

We make a Rook-Bishop battery, we allow the black King to move around, but not for very much...

Tries : [1.Rb1? Kc3!], [1.Rc4? Kd1!]

Key : 1.Bb6! (1)
1...Kxe1 2.Rd4 (1) Kf1 3.Rd1#
1...Kd1 2.Rb1+ (1) Kd2 3.Ba5#
1...Kc3 2.Ba5 (1) Kd2 3.Rb1#
1...Kc1 2.Ba5 (1) Kd1 / Kd2 3.Rb1#

(Problem 360) V. Nikitin, +

If the White is going to win, then obviously the wP must be promoted.

(not 1.Kg6? h4 2.e5 h3 3.e6 h2 4.e7 h1=Q 5.e8=Q Qc6 6.Qxc6 Kxc6 7.Kf5 Kd5 -+)
(not 1.Kxh5? c4 2.e5 c3 3.e6 Kc6 4.Kg6 Kd6 5.Kf6 c2 6.e7 c1=Q 7.e8=Q =)

Key : 1.e5! (1)
1...Kc6 2.Kg6 Kd5 3.Kf5 (1) and now two equivalent variations
3...h4 4.e6 Kd6 5.Kf6 h3 6.e7 h2 7.e8=Q h1=Q 8.Qd8+ Kc6 9.Qa8+ (1.5) +-
3...c4 4.e6 Kd6 5.Kf6 c3 6.e7 c2 7.e8=Q c1=Q 8.Qd8+ Kc6 9.Qc8+ (1.5) +-

(Problem 361) S. Jurisek, h#2 2111

Black plays first and helps White to mate. The solver should imagine where all the pieces must go in order to create the mating net inside the limit of the moves.

Key : 1.Kf6! h8=S 2.Be7 Bc3# (2.5)
Key : 1.Bc7! b8=Q 2.Kd7 Qxc7# (2.5)

(Problem 362) V. Shumarin, #2

Tries : [1.Qd3? / Qa5+? / Qb6? C5!], [1.Qa8? Kc4!], [1.Qxc6+? Kxc6!], [1.Qb7? / Ba1? / Bb2? / Bc3? / Bh8? / Bg7? / Bg4? / Kd2? / Kc3? / Kd3? Kd6!]

Key : 1.Bf6! (5) ( > 2.Qd3# )
1...c5 2.Bg2#

(Problem 363) R. Koblov, #3

Tries : [1.Ke3? F4+!], [1.Qd6? Kxd2!], [1.Kd3? / Qb1+? / Qb3? / Qb5? / Qc4? / Bf1? / Bh5? / Bg4? / Bf3? / Ba6? / Bb5? / Bc4? / Bd3? Kxf2!], [1.Sd1? / Sh1? / Sh3? / Sg4? / Sd3+? / Se4+? Kxe2!]

Key : 1.Qb8! (1) ( > 2.Q(x)f4 K~ 3. Qe3# (1) )
1...Kxd2 2.Qb2+ (1.5) Ke1 3.Sd3#
1...Kxf2 2.Qh2+ (1.5) Ke1 3.Sf3#

(Problem 364) A. Galitsky, #4

Tries : [1.Kxh6? / Kg4? / Qc3? / Qc5+? / Qa4? / Qb6? / Qc4+? Ke4!], [1.Qe1? / Qf8? / Qb7+? Kxd4!], [1.Qb2? Kd6!]

Key : 1.Qd2! (1) (zugzwang situation)
1...Kd6 2.Qa5 Ke7 3.Qa8 (2) Kf6 / Kd6 4.Qf8# / 4.Qd8#
1...Ke4 2.Qf2 Kd5 3.Qh4 (2) Kd6 4.Qd8#

(Problem 365) A. Zickermann, s#3

White plays first and forces Black to achieve mate, leading the black Knight from a8 to c3.

Tries : [1.Sc4+? / Qg3+? / Qh3+? / Qb4+? K(x)b4!], [1.Qc4? / Qd4? Sb6!]

Key : 1.Qe1! (1) (zugzwang situation)
1...Sb6 2.Qa5+ Sa4 3.Qc3+ (2) Sxc3#
1...Sc7 2.Sb5+ Sxb5 3.Qc3+ (2) Sxc3#