The Greek announcement : here. In Athens Greece, Sunday January 24, 2010. Organiser : Harry Fougiaxis, email:
Greek solvers in category-1 :
Kostas Prentos, Panagiotis Konidaris, Philip Terzis, Athanassios Spiliadis, Apostolos Stamatopoulos, Constantinos Smpoukis, Giorgos Finokaliotis, Nikodimos Kotrotsos, Giorgos Stamatopoulos, Emilios Lefteriotis, Clelia Lykothanassi, Emmanuel Manolas.
Congratulations to the Greek champion Kostas Prentos (from Thessaloniki), to Panagiotis Konidaris (from the island Meganissi near Lefkada), to Philip Terzis (from Patras).
We present now the problems of the contest, first the 8 of the easy category-2 and then the 12 of the more difficult category-1.
Category 2
(Problem 407) O. Stocchi, 3rd Prize, l' Enigmistica Popolare, 1935, Mate in 2. #2 (7 + 4) | |
[5K2/1s6/8/5R2/kS4Q1/qpP5/8/R4B2] |
Set play 1...Qxa1,Qa2 / b2 / Sa5 2.Sc2# / Qd1# / Bb5#
Tries [1.Qc4? b2!], [1.Qe4? Sc5!]
Key 1.Qd4! (5) ( > 2.Qd7# )
1...Qxa1,Qa2 / b2 / Sa5 / Sc5 / Sd6,Sd8
2.Sc2# / Qd1# / Bb5# / Sc6# / Qa7#
(Problem 408) B. Atanackovic, Yug. Sahovski glasnik, 1956, Mate in 2. #2 (5 + 8) | |
[8/6K1/3pp3/4kp2/1s1p4/sQ2p1P1/1S6/7B] |
Key : 1.Qc2! (5) Zugzwang
1...d5 / Saxc2 / Sbxc2 / d3 / e2 / f4
2.Qc7# / Sc4# / Sd3# / Qc3# / Qxe2# / Qe4#
(Problem 409) L. Prokes, 1st - 2nd Prize, Gros, 1938, White plays and wins. + (4 + 2) | |
[2s5/8/1PS1Pk2/8/4K3/8/8/8] |
Key : 1.b7! (1) Sd6+ 2.Kd4! (1) [i] Sxb7 3.Kd5! (1) Kg7 [ii] 4.Sd8! (1) Sxd8 5.e7! (1) Sf7 6.e8Q +
[i] 2.Kd5? Sxb7!
[ii] 3...Sc5 4.e7 Se6 [iii] 5.Kd6 Sg7 6.Kd7 Kf7 7.Sd8+ K~~ 8.Se6
[iii] 4...Sa6 5.Kd6 Kf7 6.Sd8+ Ke8 7.Se6 Kf7 8.Sg7 Sc7 9.Kd7 Kf6 10.Se8+
(Problem 410) Pavlos Moutecidis, 1st Prize, Biuletyn, 1959, Selfmate in 2 moves. s#2 (7 + 7) | |
[6Bk/5Rs1/5S2/4Q2P/8/3ppp2/4p1p1/4K1S1] |
Set play 1...Se6 / Sxh5 / Se8 2.Qxe6 / Qh2 / Qxe8 d2,f2#
Key : 1.Bh7! Zugzwang
1...Se6 2.Qxe6 (1,25) d2,f2#
1...Sf5 2.Bxf5 (1,25) d2,f2#
1...Sxh5 2.Qxh5 (1,25) d2,f2#
1...Se8 2.Qb8 (1,25) d2,f2#
(Problem 411) I. Draiska, 1st Prize, Lett. Ty, 1958, Mate in 2. #2 (8 + 6) | |
[B1s2s2/2B3p1/5Q2/1p2S3/2bk1S2/5P2/2R5/7K] |
Set play 1...Kc5 / Ke3 2.Sed3# / Sg4#
Try [1.Qh4? ( > 2.Qf2# ), 1...Kc5 / Ke3 2.Sfd3# / Sg2#, 1...Sd6!]
Key : 1.Qg5! (5) ( > 2.Qg1# )
1...Kc5 / Ke3 / Sd6 2.Sc6# / Se6# / Bb6#
(Problem 412) M. Lipton, 2nd Prize, Sunday Citizen Ring Ty, 1966, Mate in 2. #2 (6 + 5) | |
[2K1k3/1R4BS/3R4/5Ss1/8/2b5/4r3/3r4] |
Tries [1.Be5? Sxh7!], [1.Rd4? Re6!], [1.Sd4? Re7!]
Key : 1.Bd4! (5) ( Novotny, > 2.Sg7#,Rd8# )
1...Rxd4 / Bxd4 / Re7,Se6 2.Sg7# / Rd8# / R(x)e7#
(Problem 413) W. M. Archakov & J. Gorbatenko, 3rd Hon. Mention, "64", 1978, Mate in 3. #3 (7 + 10) | |
[8/Ks6/5p1q/pQ3S1r/5S1p/k3P1R1/1p4p1/1B4b1] |
Key : 1.Sd5! ( > 2.Qd3+ (1,25) Ka4 3.Bc2#)
1...Bxe3+ 2.Sd4 (1,25) ( > 3.Qb3# ) Sc5 / a4 3.Sc2# / Qd3,Qb4#
1...Qxe3+ 2.Sb6 (1,25) ( > 3.Qa4# ) Sc5 3.Sc4#
1...Sc5 2.Qxa5+ (1,25) Sa4 / Kb3 3.Qb4# / Qb4,a2#
(Problem 414) B. Gadjanski, 1st Prize, Mat, 1977, Helpmate in 2. h#2 (5 + 12) | |
[8/8/4KS1q/2ppp3/Rssk4/2p5/3brrb1/3Q2B1] |
I) 1.Sd3! Bh2 2.Be3 Bxe5# (2,5)
II) 1.Se3! Qb3 2.Rf3 Qxd5# (2,5)
Category 1
(Problem 415) V. Kopaev, Magyar Sakkelet, 1980, Mate in 2. #2 (9 + 10) | |
[S4q2/3pb3/p2k1pS1/2R2P2/s3P3/1Q2BKp1/5P2/3r3r] |
Tries [1.Rc2? Rh4!], [1.Rc3? Rd3!], [1.Rc4? Rd5!], [1.Rc7? Qh6!]
Key : 1.Rc1! (5) ( > 2.Bf4# )
1...Rxc1,Rd5 / Rd3 / Rh4 / Qh6 / Sc3,Sc5
2.Q(x)d5# / Qxd3# / Qxd1# / Qb8# / Qb6#
(Problem 416) G. Backsi, Magyar Sakkszovetzeg, 1959, Mate in 3. #3 (10 + 9) | |
[7B/r4p2/2B1ks2/p2p1S1p/K2p1R1P/3S3Q/P1P5/4r3] |
Key : 1.Qg2! ( > 2.Qxd5+ (1,25) Sxd5 3.Sc5# )
1...Re4 2.Qg5 (1,25) ( > 3.Qf6# ) S~~ / Sd7 3.Sc5# / Qe7#
1...Rd7 2.Qg7 (1,25) ( > 3.Qxf6# ) S~~ / Se4 3.Sc5# / Qe5#
1...Se4 2.Qxe4+ (1,25) Rxe4,dxe4 3.Sc5#
(Problem 417) U. Degener, Championnat de RDA, 1987-88, Mate in 6. #6 (7 + 10) | |
[4B2s/r1p5/r1pp4/5PS1/4S2k/3p3P/5p2/B1s2K2] |
Tries [1.Sf3+? Kxh3!], [1.f6? Sg6!], [1.Be5? dxe5!]
Key : 1.Bd4! ( > 2.Bxf2# )
1...Ra2 2.Be5 ( > 3.Bg3# )
__2...dxe5 3.f6 ( > 4.Sf3+ Kxh3 5.Bd7# )
____3...Sf7 4.Bxf7 ~~ 5.Sf3+ (*) Kxh3 6.Be6#
____3...Sg6 4.Bxg6 ~~ 5.Sf3+ (*) Kxh3 6.Bf5#
With one * = 4 points. With two * = 5 points.
(Problem 418) J. H. Marwitz, Schakend Nederland, 1984, White plays and wins. + (4 + 5) | |
[2r5/7b/2RPK3/6pp/4k3/8/8/2S4] |
1.Sc3+ [i] Kf4 2.Sd5+ Ke4 3.Sf6+ Kf4 4.Sxh5+ (1) Kg4 5.Sf6+ Kf4
6.Sd5+ Ke4 7.Sc3+ Kf4 8.Se2+! (2) Kg4 [ii] 9.Rxc8! (1) Bf5+ 10.Ke7 Bxc8
11.Kd8 Bf5/Ba6 12.Sd4! (1) +
[i] 1.Rxc8? Bf5+!
[ii] 8...Ke4? 9.Sg3+! ~~ 10.Rxc8.
(Problem 419) Chr. Jones, US Problem Bulletin, 1990, Helpmate in 4 moves. Two solutions. h#4 (6 + 11) | |
[8/1p3p1p/B2p3P/3PpPpP/K5k1/p7/r4q1R/8] |
I) 1.Qa7! Rb2 2.Kxf5 Rxb7 3.Kf6 Rb3 4.Qe7 Rf3# (2,5)
II) 1.Qb2! Re2 2.Kxh5 Rxe5 3.Kxh6 Re3 4.Qg7 Rh3# (2,5)
(Problem 420) W. Tura, Magyar Sakkelet, 1985, Selfmate in 4 moves. s#4 (15 + 9) | |
[2R5/2B1p3/BPk1PP2/1S1p1Qp1/1P3pP1/1S3K2/p1s2PP1/rbR5] |
Key : 1.Re8! Zugzwang
1...exf6 2.Qxd5+ Kxd5 3.Sc3+ Kc6 4.Sd4+ (2,5) Sxd4#
1...d4 2.Bb7+ Kxb7 3.Sc5+ Kc6 4.Sxd4+ (2,5) Sxd4#
(Problem 421) J. C. Morra, The Field, 1961, Mate in 2. #2 (10 + 9) | |
[1S2r3/1R6/K2pkP1B/1p2P3/1S5b/p1P2R1b/qp6/6Q1] |
Set play 1...Kxe5 2.Qe3#
Tries [1.Qb6? Qd5!], [1.Qd1? / Qd4? d5!]
Key : 1.Qg6! (5) ( > 2.Qxe8# )
1...Bxf6 / dxe5 / Kxe5 / R~~
2.Qxf6# / Rb6# / Re3# / R(x)e7#
(Problem 422) Dr E. Palkoska, Tepl. Chemm. Anzeiger, 1922, Mate in 3. #3 (8 + 11) | |
[1b1Q2b1/2p3p1/4p1P1/1pP1k1Sp/1K2B3/2pp1P2/6s1/2B5] |
Key : 1.Sh3! Zugzwang
1...d2 2.Qxd2 (1) ( > 2.Qxc3# ) cxd2 / Kf6 3.Bb2# / Qg5#
1...Se3 2.Bxe3 (1) ~~ 3.Qg5# / Qd4# / Bf4# / Bd4#
1...h4 2.Sf2 (1) ~~ 3.Sg4# / Sxd3#
1...c6 2.Qxb8 (0,5) Kf6 / Kd4 3.Bg5# / Qd6#
1...Ba7 2.Qxc7 (0,5) Kf6 / Kd4 3.Bg5# / Qd6#
1...Bf7 2.Bh7 (0,5) ( > 3.Bxg7# ) gxh6 3.Qh8#
1...Bh7 2.Bh7 (0,5) ( > 3.Bxg7# ) gxh6 3.Qh8#
(Problem 423) P. Polak, Pravda, 1977, Mate in 4. #4 (7 + 14) | |
[1sQ4K/r3B3/1p6/bp2pSp1/2p2k2/5Bp1/2PpPp2/1q2s3] |
Key : 1.Qf8! ( > 2.Bxg5+ Kxg5 3.Qh6+ (1) Kxf5 4.e4# )
1...Qxc2 2.Sd6+ Ke3 3.Bxg5+ (1) Kd4 4.Sxb5#
__2...Qf5 3.Qxf5+ (1) Ke3 4.Qe4 (Qxe5)#
1...Sxf3 2.Sh6+ Ke4 3.Qxf3+ (0,5) Kd4 4.Sf5#
__2...Ke3 3.Qxf3+ (0,5) Kd4 4.Sf5#
1...Rxe7 2.Sxe7+ Ke3 3.Sd5+ (1) Kd4 4.e3#
(Problem 424) T. B. Gorgiew, Shakmatny Listok, 1929, White plays and wins. + (3 + 5) | |
[8/3k4/1p2R1p1/4K3/8/8/2b1B3/6b1] |
1.Bb5+! Kd8 2.Rd6+ (1) Ke7 3.Rd7+ Kf8! 4.Kf6 (1) Kg8! 5.Bc4+ Kh8!
6.Rd8+ (1) [i] Kh7 7.Bg8+ Kh6! 8.Bb3! (2) [ii] Bd4+ [iii] 9.Rxd4 Bxb3 10.Rh4#.
[i] 6.Rd2? Be4 =
[ii] 8.Be6? g5 =
[iii] 8...Bxb3 / g5,Kh5 9.Rh8# / Bxc2 +
(Problem 425) V. Bunka & V. Kichigin, Magyar Sakkelet, 1980, Helpmate in 3 moves. Three solutions. h#3 (5 + 12) | |
[8/3p4/1bbp1p1R/1p5B/8/PkPrr2p/pp6/6K1] |
I) 1.Kxa3! Bf7 2.h2+ Rxh2 3.b1=S Rxa2#
II) 1.Rd4! Bf3 2.Rxc3 Rxh3 3.R3c4 Bd1#
III) 1.Kc4! Bf7+ 2.Kc5 Rh4 3.Rd4 cxd4#
One solution = 1,5 points / Two solutions = 3,5 points / Three solutions = 5 points.
(Problem 426) C. Gamnitzer, Thema Danicum, 1994, Selfmate in 5 moves. s#5 (14 + 11) | |
[1s6/br1P2R1/b2PQ3/4P1S1/1PS2kP1/P2prp1p/3BpK1P/4R1s1] |
Key : 1.Bc1! ( > 2.Sd2 ~~ 3.Sxh3+ Sxh3# )
1...Bc5 2.b5 ( > 3.Sd2 > 4.Sxh3+ Sxh3# )
__2...Bb4 3.axb4 ( > 4.Sd2 > 5.Sxh3+ (1,25) Sxh3# )
__2...Ba7 3.bxa6 ( > 4.Sd2 > 5.Sxh3+ (1,25) Sxh3# )
____3...Rb2 4.Sxb2 ( > 5.Bxe3+ (1,25) Bxe3# ) d2 5.Sd3+ (1,25) Rxd3#