The problems on this post were sent as a present to the composition contest [Jubilee Tourney Emmanuel Manolas-60] by a friend who prefers to be anonymous. We will name him/her as Doubleislander (from two islands).
The problems are quite simple, but the pieces are set in a way to represent the symbols J T E M 6 0 (initials from the name of the tourney).
We thank the Thrilling Anonymous!
(Problem 429) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Helpmate in 2. Condition : Circe. h#2 Circe (4 + 8) | |
[8/3prssb/5k2/5r2/5b2/3P1K2/4QP2/8] |
With condition Circe, the captured piece is reborn on its initial square (example : the wQ on d1).
(Problem 430) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Helpmate in 2. Condition : Chameleon - Chess. h#2 Chameleon Chess (3 + 7) | |
[8/1pppkp2/3b4/3p4/3P4/3S4/3K4/8] |
Helpmate : Black plays and helps White to mate.
With condition Chameleon - Chess, the moving pieces are transformed (i.e. the Knight moves and becomes Bishop, the Bishop moves and then becomes Rook, the Rook moves and then becomes Queen, the Queen moves and then becomes Knight).
(Problem 431) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Selfmate in 2 moves. s#2 (5 + 8) | |
[KSrb4/s7/qpp5/k7/pRPS4/8/8/8] |
Selfmate : White plays and forces Black to deliver mate.
(Problem 432) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Helpmate in 2 moves. h#2 (3 + 10) | |
[8/2R3K1/2bp1pp1/2r1k1q1/2p3s1/2P3p1/8/8] |
(Problem 433) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Helpmate in 2 moves. Condition : Madrasi. h#2 Madrasi (5 + 8) | |
[8/1PB5/p2r4/b7/pPp5/k2R4/rsK5/8] |
With condition Madrasi, if two dissimilarly coloured pieces of the same kind (i.e. wR and bR) are mutually threatened, then they are paralyzed and the only power they have, whilst the threat is pending, is to paralyze each other.
(Problem 434) Doublislander, dedicated to JT Manolas-60, original, Helpmate in two moves. Condition AntiCirce. h#2 Anticirce (5 + 7) | |
[8/3pp3/2r2R2/2b2P2/2P2S2/2k2r2/3sK3/8] |
With condition Anticirce, the capturing piece is reborn in its initial square. The captured piece disappears.
The solutions will be posted here in a few days.