The Greek composers Nikos
Pergialis and Manos
Pantavos are creating together nice problems, in miniature or meredith form.
In this post we present five original problems by them, all direct-mate two-movers, and we thank them very much.
N. Pergialis (Greece), M. Pantavos (Greece)
| Problem-584
Set play
1...Bg1/f2/xc3 [c] /e3/c5 [a] /b6/a7 2.d3# [A]
1...Sg2/d3 [d] /h3/d5 [b] /h5/g6 2.Qxd4# [B]
Tries : {1.Sb5? Bxe5!}, {1.Rxf4? Rxf4!}, {1.Qxd4+? Kxd4!}, {1.Qxf4? Rxg4!}, {1.Qb5+? cxb5+!}, {1.d3+? Kxc3!}.
Key : 1.Qd6! [2.Qb4#]
1...Bxc3 [c] 2.d3# [A]
1...Sd3 [d] 2.Qxd4# [B] (2.Qxc6??)
1...Bc5 [a] 2.Qd3# [C]
1...Sd5 [b] 2.Qxc6# [D] (2.Qxd4??)
1...c5 2.Qa6#
Half pin. Pin-mates [ACD].
Changed mates (in set-play [ab AB], after the key [ab CD]).
Anti-dual (Sd3, Sd5).
Black correction (Bxc3, Bc5, c5 correct Sd5). |
N. Pergialis (Greece), M. Pantavos (Greece)

| Problem-585
Tries : {1.Bb6+? [A] Kb5!},
{1.Bd6+? [B] Kd5!},
{1.Rb4? [2.Bb6# [A] ] Bb5!},
{1.Rd4? [2.Bd6# [B] ] Bd5!},
{1.Qxe6? Bxe6!}, {1.Qf8+? Sxf8!}.
Key : 1.Qe8! [2.Qxc6#]
1...Se5 2.Qe7#/Qf8#
1...Se7 2.Qxe7#
1...Bb5 2.Bb6# [A]
1...Bd5 2.Bd6# [B]
Echo(0,0) vertical mirror.
Themes Dombrovskis, Somov B2, Option. |
N. Pergialis (Greece), M. Pantavos (Greece)

| Problem-586
Tries : {1.Sc6+? / Qe8+? Kd5!}, {1.Sg6+? / Rg6? Kf5!}, {1.Qf3? Sce4!}, {1.Qd5+? Kxd5!}.
Key : 1.Rg7! [2.Re7#]
1...Sd5 2.Sc6#
1...Sf5 2.Sg6#
Self-blocks and white interferences. |
N. Pergialis (Greece), M. Pantavos (Greece)

| Problem-587
Tries : {1.Sc6+? Ke6!}, {1.Se6? Kxe6!}, {1.Rc3? / Rd3? / Ra4? / Qb4?Kf4!}, {1.Rf3? / Qh4? Kd4!}, {1.Qd2? / Qf2? Kxe4!}
Thematic tries :
1...Kd4 [a] 2.Qb4# [A],
1...Kf4 [b] 2.Qh4# [B], 1...Ke6!},
1...Kd4 [a] 2.Qd5# [C],
1...Kf4 [b] 2.Qf5# [D], 1...Kxe4!}.
Key : 1.Re3!,
1...Kd4 [a] 2.Qc3# [E],
1...Kf4 [b] 2.Qg3# [F]
Echo(0,2) vertical mirror. Zagorujko 3x2.
Themes Option, Banny, Dombrovskis (paradoxe).
N. Pergialis (Greece), M. Pantavos (Greece)

| Problem-588
Tries : {1.Se6? / Sd3+? [A] Kc3! [a] },
{1.Kd3? / Sd5+? [B] Kc5! [b] },
{1.Rc6? [2.Sd5# [B] ] Kc3! [a] },
{1.Kd2? [2.Sd3# [A] ] Kc5! [b] }.
Key : 1.Ke3!,
1...Kc3 [a] 2.Sd5# [B],
1...Kc5 [b] 2.Sd3# [A]
Themes Dombrovskis, Threat anti-reversal, Banny. |