Saturday, March 22, 2014

MT Zabunov-85, Award

22.03.2014 Award :

Mr Kostas Prentos (GRE) has been awarded with a third Honorary Mention.

The Bulgarian composer FM Vladimir Zabunov (1928-1997), had a theme about batteries bearing his name:

Zabunov theme - the front piece from one battery makes an ambush move and becomes the rear piece of a newly created battery.

Friday, March 14, 2014

10th European Chess Solving Contest, ECSC

The announcement is on the site of  the World Federation for Chess Compositions, WFCC and the 10th European Chess Solving Contest, ECSC will be held in Igalo, Montenegro, May 16-18 2014.

See here :

Thursday, March 13, 2014

World Congress of Chess Composition, Bern 2014

The 57th World Congress of Chess Composition, (WCCC), will be held in Bern, Switzerland, in the week August 23 -30, 2014.
During the Congress, the 38th World Chess Solving Championship, (WCSC), and many Composing Contests will be held also.

For details, you may visit the official site

You can make a reservation until 30-VI-2014.