Monday, May 19, 2014

10th European Chess Solving Champioship, results

It is announced on the site of World Federation for Chess Compositions, WFCC, that the 10th European Chess Solving Contest, ECSC, was carried out in Igalo of Montenegro, May 16-18 2014.

The results were posted on the site .

18 problems, 90 points maximum
1Murdzia, Piotr2775,7286,002836
2Evseev, Georgy2778,0679,002735
3Filipovic, Marko2624,8274,502670
10Mendrinos, Nikos2346,7268,502584
44Kourkoulos-Arditis, Stamatis-40,602183
58Fougiaxis, Harry1982,7525,301964

The Greek champion Nikos Mendrinos is very happy for the 10th place, the 2nd IM norm and the title FM (as he is over 2400 Elo).


(A small surprise for me here it was the selected eight-mover).

12 problems, 60 points maximum
1Mestel, Jonathan2550,6360,002776
2Murdzia, Piotr2775,7257,002706
3Gorski, Piotr2500,0456,502695
36Fougiaxis, Harry1982,7536,502232
38Mendrinos, Nikos2346,7235,752215
54Kourkoulos-Arditis Stamatis-27,002012

1.Πολωνία, 2.Ρωσία, 3.Σερβία





Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cooperation of composers (4)

In this post we see two helpmates and a direct mate, which are the result of cooperation of some Greek composers.
When chess composers are working together, the egoism is retreating. The composers cooperate and their friendship is elevated.

Byron Zappas and Nikos Siotis
Recommendation, Jubilee Tourney C. Goumondy-40, 1986

1B6/5R2/6p1/2s3p1/3Sk1p1/3p4/3brp2/7K (4 + 9)

h#2, (Helpmate two-mover, three solutions)

1.Re3 Sf5 2.Kf3 Sg3# (Knight - Rook battery)
1.Be3 Rc7 2.Kf4 Re7# (Rook - Bishop battery)
1.Ke3 Ba7 2.Se4 Sc2# (Knight - Bishop battery)

The white pieces form batteries in a circular manner. Black begins with putting a piece on e3 and is self-blocked. There is a Grimshaw interference (bR and bB) on e3 which is exploited by White giving Anderssen mates (the white piece A is interposed to white piece B, Black moves, the white piece B moves and gives indirect check).

Nikos Pergialis and Manos Pantavos

8/7R/B7/8/8/1kP1S2R/8/2K5 (6 + 1)

#2 (two-mover)

Tries : {1.Sc2? A Ka4! a}, {1.Bc4+? B Kxc3! b}

Key : 1.Ra7!
1…Ka4 a / Ka3 / Ka2 2.Bc4# B
1…Kxc3 b 2.Sc2# A

A miniature presenting theme Banny (tries {1.A? a!}, {1.B? b!} but after the key the defense of each try is mated by the key of the other try 1...a 2.B#, 1...b 2.A#).
The key forms an indirect battery (because it aims to a flight of the bK, not straight on it) and it is like an ambush.

Ioannis Kalkavouras and Panagiotis Konidaris and Emmanuel Manolas
Kudesnik, 2013

8/1p3q2/8/p4r1b/2kS1R2/2pS1s2/4BK2/8 (5 + 8)

h#2, (Helpmate two-mover, four solutions)

1.Sd2 Bxh5 2.Kxd3 Be2# (sacrifice of knight d3, switchback of  wB)
1.Rd5 Rxf7 2.Kxd4 Rf4# (sacrifice of knight d4, switchback of wR)

1.Rc5 Sc1+ 2.Kb4 Sc2# (the knights move from d3 d4 to c1 c2)
1.b6 Se6+ 2.Kb5 Se5# (the knights move from d3 d4 to e5 e6)

This belongs to the subgenre HotF, Helpmate of the Future, where the similar solutions appear in pairs. In the first pair of solutions the bK comes near and is mated by contact, while in the second pair of solutions the bK goes away because of check and the white knights mate from afar by firing two batteries (direct and indirect).
In all the solutions the black pieces make preventive self-block, (blocking a square which will become a flight after the move of the bK).

Harry Fougiaxis and Kostas Prentos
2nd Prize, 7th Moskovskaya Matreshka, Wageningen, 2006

3b4/1r3Bpq/p1s1Ss1p/1p3P1p/1Pk2K1R/2r5/4P3/8 (7 + 12)

h#2, (Helpmate two-mover),
a) diagram, b) wKf4 < -- > wSe6

a) 1.Se7 Sc5+ 2.Sfd5+ Ke5#
b) 1.Sd7 Sd3+ 2.Sd4+ Kd6#

2x2 batteries are fired. Self-interferences, Cross-checks and Royal-battery mates. (The problem is included in the FIDE Album 2004/2006, p.285, E168 with 8 points).

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

A task by Nikos Pergialis, (3)

The Greek composer Nikos Pergialis (born 19-IX-1930) creates problems with clear theme and a few pieces.

Also, he aims to present ideal mates, where all the pieces have a role.

Nikos Pergialis (GRE)



Key: 1.Βg2! [2.Κe2# / Κg4#]
1...f5 2.Ke2#
1...c1=S 2.Kg4#
1...Sd1~ Ke3# / Kf2#, 1...Se3 2.Kxe3#, 1...Sf2 2.Kxf2# (antidual)
1...Sh5~ Kf4# / Kg3#, 1...Sf4 2.Kxf4#, 1...Sg3 2.Kxg3# (antidual)

In this direct-mate two-mover we see the construction of a royal battery, which gives six different mates : a Task.

Nikos Pergialis (GRE)



1.c3+ (a line opens for Ba6) Ke1 2.Bd3 (self-block) Kf2
3.c4 (a line opens for Ra5) Kf3 4.Rd5 (self-block) Kxf4 (takes the pawn which inhibits the mate)
5.c5 e3#

In this help-mate five-mover we see openings of lines and self-blockings. The white achieves an ideal mate.