Sunday, May 24, 2015

Paintings about chess battles

Watch a nice video (by Athina K.) presenting paintings by Irene Penna (and herself) about chess battles.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WCCC 2015

The 58th World Congress on Chess Composition (WCCC) and
the 39th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
will be held 01-08 August 2015 in Ostroda, Poland.

The official site of this event :

The composing tourneys have started to be announced here.

1st TT Riga Black Balsam :

8th ARVES Jenever Tourney :

Monday, May 04, 2015

XI ECSC Iasi, 02-03 May 2015 results

The problems, the solutions and individual / team results from XI ECSC Iasi, 02-03 May 2015 are here.

1 Evseev, Georgy RUS 74.1/90
2 Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 70.5/90
3 Piorun, Kacper POL 66.5/90
4 Solovchuk, Oleksiy UKR 66.5/90
5 Murdzia, Piotr POL 66.3/90
6 Podinic, Vladimir SRB 64.6/90
22 Mendrinos, Nikos GRE 45.7/90
40 Konidaris, Panagiotis GRE 32.4/90
48 Sidiropoulos, Nikos GRE 24.0/90
52 Fougiaxis, Harry 20.1/90