Let us hope that the New Year 2017 will bring joy and happiness to everyone.
Two compositions of mine, belonging to fairy chess, are published in the Romanian e4e5 magazine, Nr.34, December 2016, p. 559.
The first is a helpmate threemover with fairy condition Circe : Black plays first and helps White to mate. In the meantime, any captured unit is reborn on its initial square (initial as in the start of a chess game).
The second is a directmate twomover with fairy conditions Circe and Madrasi, and also two fairy pieces Nightriders. We spoke previously about Circe.
Madrasi is a condition of paralysis : When two pieces of same type and different colour (wR and bR, wQ and bQ, etc) are threatening each other, then they are paralysing each other, until the end of threat.
The Nightriders are pieces of linear way of moving, with Knight steps.
In this composition all the tries and all the white moves during solution are done by the white king.
Problem-831 Emmanuel Manolas (GRE) e4e5 Nr.34, 12/2016, p.559 |
(6 + 7) h#3, Circe |
1.Bxh3(+wRh1) Rxh3(+bBc8) 2.Bf5 Kxb7(+bRa8) 3.Rxa2(+wBf1) Bxe2(+bPe7)# Black sacrifice with the key. Reciprocal captures bBf1 and wRh3. Openings and closings of lines. Selfblocking. In three moves the bBf1 must go to f5, and the wBa2 must go to e2. |
Problem-832 Emmanuel Manolas (GRE) e4e5 Nr.34, 12/2016, p.559 |
(15 + 12), (Nightriders d7 + c5) #2, Circe, Madrasi |
Tries : {1.Kxb3(+bRa8)+? a1=R!}, {1.Kxb4(+bPb7)? [2.Qf1#] Qxa7!}, {1.Kxc5(+bNc1)+? Ne5+!}, {1.Kxd5(+bRa8)? [2.Rh1#] Bxh7(+wPh2)!}, {1.Kxd4(+bBf8)+? Bh6!}. Key : 1.Kxc3(+bQd8)! [2.Qf2# / Qd1# / Qe1# / Qc1#] 1…a1=Q/B+ 2.Kxb3(+bRa8)# Themes Durbar (All white moves are made by the wK) and royal Option (Tries and Key are made by the wK). This active wK stops the Madrasi paralysings, capturing black pieces in its field. Only one from six capturings is succesful, while the rest five are tries with different treatments. There are also other effects, as exposition of the wK to check, indirect Self-pin and unpins, Reciprocal pins, Crossed checks. |