Today we show the problems of the second round. The solutions are written at the end of this post.
![]() | (Problem 337) Pierre Monreal, Mondes, 1946, Mate in 2. #2 ( 11 + 4 ) |
[3QB3/6KP/3R1S2/2R2Pk1/8/4S1P1/2q5/b1B2r2] |
![]() | (Problem 338) Arthur Madsen, First Prize, 65 TT British Chess Federation, 1950-51 Mate in 3. #3 ( 8 + 8 ) |
[2RK3s/5p1p/1BR2P2/3kp3/1P1p4/2p5/4PS2/1b6] |
![]() | (Problem 339) Yakov Vladimirov, First Prize, Moscow Tourney, 1999 Mate in 4. #4 ( 7 + 8 ) |
[4s3/4s3/1R2P3/2p5/p1k1B3/2P2K2/p2B2p1/6Qb] |
![]() | (Problem 340) Yohanan Afek, Second Prize, Tidskrift foer Schack, 1972 White plays and wins. + ( 6 + 6 ) |
[5r2/8/1R6/ppk3p/2S3P1/P4b2/1K6/5B2] |
![]() | (Problem 341) Michel Caillaud, First Commendation, J. P. Moyer MT, 1988 Selfmate in 3. s#3 ( 9 + 6 ) |
[4B3/1p6/bP1PP3/rs6/k1KR4/P4Q2/1R6/3S4] |
![]() | (Problem 342) Yuri Belokon & Aleksei Stelman, 4th-5th Commendation, The Problemist, 1989 Helpmate in 4 moves. Four solutions. h#4 ( 3 + 9 ) |
[4r3/8/7p/3k3p/2b5/1p1SPK2/5p2/2s3b1] |
With bold numbers in brackets we denote the points for each variation.
Problem 337 (#2) : Pierre Monreal
Tries : [1. Rd4? Bxd4!], [1. Sxc2+? Rxc1!], [1. Sxf1+? Qxc1!].
Key : 1. Kf8! [5.0]( > 2. Se4#)
1...Bxf6 2. Qxf6#
1...Rxf5 2. Sxc2#
1...Qxf5 2. Sxf1#
1...Kh6 2. Sg4#
Problem 338 (#3) : Arthur Madsen
Tries : [1. Kd7? Bf5+!], [1. Ke7? Sg6+!], [1. Kc7? e4!], [1. Rc5+? Ke6!], [1. Rd6+? Kxd6!].
Key : 1. Ba7! [1.0] ( > 2. Ra6 [1.0] ( > 3. Rc5#) d3 3. e4#) )
1...Bg6 2. Ke7 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5# / Rd6#)
___2...d3 3. Rd6#
___2...e4 3. Rc5#
1...Bf5 2. Rc5+ [0.5] Kd6 / Ke6 3. Rc8-c6#
1...Be4 2. Bb8 [0.5] ( > 3. Rd6#)
1...Bd3 2. Rb6 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5#)
1...c2 2. Kd7 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5# / Rd6#)
___2...c1=Q / c1=R 3. Rd6#
___2...d3 3. Rd6# / e4#
___2...e4 3. Rc5#
1...e4 2. Rc5+ [0.5] Kd6 / Ke6 3. Rc8-c6#
Problem 339 (#4) : Yakov Vladimirov
Tries : [1. Rb5? Kxb5!], [1. Bd3+? Kxd3!], [1. Qxc5+? Kxc5!], [1. Qd4+? / Rb4+? cxb4!].
Key : 1. Ke2! [0.5] ( > 2. Bd3+ Kd5 3. c4+ [1.5] Ke5 4. Qa1#)
1...Sf5 / Sc6 2. Qxc5+ Kxc5 3. R(x)c6+ [1.5] Kb5 4. c4#
1...Sd6 2. Qd4+ cxd4 3.Rb4+ [1.5] Kc5 4. cxd4#
Problem 340 (+) : Yohanan Afek
Key : 1. Rxb5+! [1.5] Kxb5
2. Se5+ Ka4
3. Sd7 Be2
4. Bxe2 (4. Bg2? Rf2!) Rb8+
5. Bb5! [2.0] Rxb5+
6. Ka2! [1.5] (+), wins because there is Domination over the Rook, (1-0).
Problem 341 (s#3) : Michel Caillaud
Tries : [1. Qe2? / Qh1? / Qg2? / Qh5? / Qg4? / Qe4? / Qf1? / Qf2? / Qf4? / Qf7? / Qf6? / Qf5? / Se3? aχb2!], [1. Rb1? / Rb3? / Rh2? / Rg2? / Rf2? / Re2? / Rb2-d2? / Rc2? a2!], [1. Qxa3+? Kxa3!].
Key : 1. Qf8! [1.0] (zz)
1...axb2 2. Sc3+ Ka3 3. d7+ [2.0] Sd6#
1...a2 2. Kd5+ Ka3 3. Qf3+ [2.0] Sc3#
Problem 342 (h#4) : Yuri Belokon & Aleksei Stelman
Key : 1. Re5! Sxc1 2. Bd3 Sa2 3. Bf5 Ke2 4. Ke4 Sc3# [1.25]
Key : 1. Kd6! e4 2. Bf7 e5+ 3. Ke6 Ke4 4. Re7 Sc5# [1.25]
Key : 1. Bh2! Sc5 2. Bd6 e4+ 3. Ke5 Ke3 4. Re6 Sd7# [1.25]
Key : 1. Rc8! Kg3 2. Rc5 Kf4 3. Bh2+ Kf5 4. Bd6 Sb4# [1.25]
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