Thursday, April 09, 2009

Solving contest 2006-06-18, Herakleion Attica, round2

About the Fifth National Solving contest of Greece, which was held on Sunday June 18 2006, we wrote in our previous post, where we presented the problems of the first round.

Today we show the problems of the second round. The solutions are written at the end of this post.

(Problem 337)
Pierre Monreal,
Mondes, 1946,
Mate in 2.
#2 ( 11 + 4 )

(Problem 338)
Arthur Madsen,
First Prize, 65 TT British Chess Federation, 1950-51
Mate in 3.
#3 ( 8 + 8 )

(Problem 339)
Yakov Vladimirov,
First Prize, Moscow Tourney, 1999
Mate in 4.
#4 ( 7 + 8 )

(Problem 340)
Yohanan Afek,
Second Prize, Tidskrift foer Schack, 1972
White plays and wins.
+ ( 6 + 6 )

(Problem 341)
Michel Caillaud,
First Commendation, J. P. Moyer MT, 1988
Selfmate in 3.
s#3 ( 9 + 6 )

(Problem 342)
Yuri Belokon & Aleksei Stelman,
4th-5th Commendation, The Problemist, 1989
Helpmate in 4 moves. Four solutions.
h#4 ( 3 + 9 )

With bold numbers in brackets we denote the points for each variation.

Problem 337 (#2) : Pierre Monreal

Tries : [1. Rd4? Bxd4!], [1. Sxc2+? Rxc1!], [1. Sxf1+? Qxc1!].

Key : 1. Kf8! [5.0]( > 2. Se4#)
1...Bxf6 2. Qxf6#
1...Rxf5 2. Sxc2#
1...Qxf5 2. Sxf1#
1...Kh6 2. Sg4#

Problem 338 (#3) : Arthur Madsen

Tries : [1. Kd7? Bf5+!], [1. Ke7? Sg6+!], [1. Kc7? e4!], [1. Rc5+? Ke6!], [1. Rd6+? Kxd6!].

Key : 1. Ba7! [1.0] ( > 2. Ra6 [1.0] ( > 3. Rc5#) d3 3. e4#) )
1...Bg6 2. Ke7 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5# / Rd6#)
___2...d3 3. Rd6#
___2...e4 3. Rc5#
1...Bf5 2. Rc5+ [0.5] Kd6 / Ke6 3. Rc8-c6#
1...Be4 2. Bb8 [0.5] ( > 3. Rd6#)
1...Bd3 2. Rb6 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5#)
1...c2 2. Kd7 [0.5] ( > 3. Rc5# / Rd6#)
___2...c1=Q / c1=R 3. Rd6#
___2...d3 3. Rd6# / e4#
___2...e4 3. Rc5#
1...e4 2. Rc5+ [0.5] Kd6 / Ke6 3. Rc8-c6#

Problem 339 (#4) : Yakov Vladimirov

Tries : [1. Rb5? Kxb5!], [1. Bd3+? Kxd3!], [1. Qxc5+? Kxc5!], [1. Qd4+? / Rb4+? cxb4!].

Key : 1. Ke2! [0.5] ( > 2. Bd3+ Kd5 3. c4+ [1.5] Ke5 4. Qa1#)
1...Sf5 / Sc6 2. Qxc5+ Kxc5 3. R(x)c6+ [1.5] Kb5 4. c4#
1...Sd6 2. Qd4+ cxd4 3.Rb4+ [1.5] Kc5 4. cxd4#

Problem 340 (+) : Yohanan Afek

Key : 1. Rxb5+! [1.5] Kxb5
2. Se5+ Ka4
3. Sd7 Be2
4. Bxe2 (4. Bg2? Rf2!) Rb8+
5. Bb5! [2.0] Rxb5+
6. Ka2! [1.5] (+), wins because there is Domination over the Rook, (1-0).

Problem 341 (s#3) : Michel Caillaud

Tries : [1. Qe2? / Qh1? / Qg2? / Qh5? / Qg4? / Qe4? / Qf1? / Qf2? / Qf4? / Qf7? / Qf6? / Qf5? / Se3? aχb2!], [1. Rb1? / Rb3? / Rh2? / Rg2? / Rf2? / Re2? / Rb2-d2? / Rc2? a2!], [1. Qxa3+? Kxa3!].

Key : 1. Qf8! [1.0] (zz)
1...axb2 2. Sc3+ Ka3 3. d7+ [2.0] Sd6#
1...a2 2. Kd5+ Ka3 3. Qf3+ [2.0] Sc3#

Problem 342 (h#4) : Yuri Belokon & Aleksei Stelman

Key : 1. Re5! Sxc1 2. Bd3 Sa2 3. Bf5 Ke2 4. Ke4 Sc3# [1.25]

Key : 1. Kd6! e4 2. Bf7 e5+ 3. Ke6 Ke4 4. Re7 Sc5# [1.25]

Key : 1. Bh2! Sc5 2. Bd6 e4+ 3. Ke5 Ke3 4. Re6 Sd7# [1.25]

Key : 1. Rc8! Kg3 2. Rc5 Kf4 3. Bh2+ Kf5 4. Bd6 Sb4# [1.25]

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