The Fifth International Solving Contest (ISC) took place simultaneously in many countries (see
announcement and the
preliminary results of the Greek solvers).
From ISC 2009 we present the problems of the 1st Round of the 1st Category (more difficult problems, with international ranking for the solvers) for you to try your hand.
These problems are really difficult, with many tries to lead you astray, but is always worthwhile to put your abilities to the test.
Problems for solving. (The solutions are at the end of this post).
 | (Problem 294)
A. Makanzie,
First Prize, Mirror of American sports, 1886
Mate in 2.
#2 (12 + 10) |
[q6B/2sPS2b/1P3Rp1/2S1k1p1/1P4B1/3Prr2/4pP2/b1Q1K3] |
 | (Problem 295)
J. Pospisil,
Humoristicke listy, 1887
Mate in 3.
#3 (6 + 6) |
[K7/2B5/p2p4/1Pk1s3/Q7/p3S3/2B5/1s6] |
 | (Problem 296)
G. Bluhm,
Fifth Prize, Foerderungsturnier des DSV, 1961
Mate in 6.
#6 (7 + 7) |
[8/sS3p2/2p5/8/2pk1P2/P1Sp3R/3B1b2/7K] |
 | (Problem 297)
W. A. Bron,
Shakmatny listok 1928, Lob
White plays and draws.
= (3 + 5) |
[3b4/8/2b5/6B1/2p3R1/8/p2K3k/8] |
 | (Problem 298)
P. A. Petkov,
feenschach, 2003
Helpmate in 3 moves. Three solutions.
h#3 (6 + 7) |
[K7/3p4/3P2p1/6pB/5k2/3p2S1/3Ppp1B/8] |
 | (Problem 299)
V. Nikoletic,
Sahovski Glasnik 1989, Lob
Selfmate in 5 moves.
s#5 (14 + 10) |
[b3B2B/4pS2/1Rs1k3/PQ3SpP/1p2spP1/2p2K2/r2PRPP1/8] |
The solutions of the problems
With bold writing we include the Points, 5 points for each complete solution.
(Problem 294) A. Makanzie, (First Prize, Mirror of American sports, 1886), #2
Tries : [1 Se7-c6+? Qa8xc6!], [1 Se7xg6+? Bh7xg6!], [1 Rf6-f5+? Ke5-d6!], [1 Rf6-e6+? Ke5-f4!], [1 d3-d4+? Ba1xd4!], [1 Qc1xe3+? Rf3xe3!], [1 Qc1-b2+? Ba1xb2!], [1 Qc1xa1+? Qa8xa1+!], [1 Qc1-c3+? Ba1xc3+!].
Key : 1 Sc5-b7! (zz)
1...Sc7-b5 / Sc7-e8 2 Qc1-c5#
1...Sc7-a6 / Qa8xb7 / Qa8-~8 2 Qc1xa1#
1...Sc7-d5 2 Se7-c6#
1...Sc7-e6 2 Rf6-f5#
1...Ba1-d4 2 Qc1xc7#
1...Ba1-c3+ 2 Qc1xc3#
1...Ba1-b2 2 Qc1xb2#
1...Re3xd3 / Re3-e4 / Rf3-f4 2 Rf6-e6#
1...Rf3xf2 / Rf3xf6 / Rf3-f5 2 Qc1xe3#
1...Rf3-h3 / Rf3-g3 2 Rf6-f8#
1...Ke5-d4 2 Rf6-d6#
1...Bh7-g8 / Qa8-a~ 2 Rf6xf3#
Nine tries, and after the key we see twelve different mating nets.
(Problem 295) J. Pospisil, (Humoristicke listy, 1887), #3
Tries : [1 Ka8-b7? d6-d5!], [1 Bc7-a5? a6xb5!], [1 Bc7-b6+? Kc5xb6!], [1 Bc7xd6+? Kc5xd6!], [1 b5xa6? Sb1-c3!], [1 Qa4xa3+? Sb1xa3!], [1 Qa4-d4+? Kc5xd4!], [1 Qa4-c4+? Se5xc4!], [1 Qa4-b4+? Kc5xb4!].
Key : 1 Bc7-d8! ( > 2 Ka8-b7
(1) and 3 Bd8-b6#, and if 2...Se5-c4 / Se5-d7 / d6-d5 3 Qa4xc4# / Qa4-c4# / Bd8-e7#)
1...Sb1-d2 2 Qa4xa3+
(1) Kc5xb5 / Kc5-d4 3 Bc2-a4# / Bd8-b6#
1...Sb1-c3 2 Qa4-d4+
(1) Kc5xb5 / Kc5xd4 3 Qd4-b6# / Bd8-b6#
1...a6xb5 2 Qa4-a7+
(1) Kc5-c6 / Kc5-b4 3 Qa7-c7# / Bd8-a5#
1...d6-d5 2 Bd8-e7+
(1) Kc5-b6 3 Se3xd5#
(Problem 296) G. Bluhm, (First Prize, Foerderungsturnier des DSV, 1961), #6
Try : [1 Rh3-e3? Bf2xe3!].
Key : 1 Rh3-h8! ( > 2 Rh8-d8#)
1...Sa7-b5 / Sa7-c8 2 Rh8-d8+ Sb5-d6 / Sc8-d6 3 Rd8xd6#
1...Bf2-h4 2 Rh8-e8 ( > 3 Re8-e4#)
___2...Bh4-e7 3 Re8xe7 ( > 4 Re7-e4# / Re7-d7#)
______3...Sa7-b5 / Sa7-c8 4.Re7-e4#
______3...f7-f5 4.Re7-d7#
___2...f7-f5 3 Re8-e6 ( > 4 Re6-d6#)
______3...Bh4-e7 4 Re6xe7 ( > 5 Re7-d7#)
_________4...Sa7-b5 / Sa7-c8 5 Re7-d7+
(1) Sb5-d6 / Sc8-d6 6 Rd7xd6#
______3...Sa7-b5 / Sa7-c8 4 Re6-d6+ Sb5xd6 / Sc8xd6 5 Sb7-c5
(4) ( > 6 Sc5-e6#)
____________5...Kd4xc5 6 Bd2-e3#
(Problem 297) W. A. Bron, (Shakmatny listok 1928, Lob), =
Key : 1 Bf4+! Kh1 (not 1...Kh3? 2 Rg3+ Kh4 3 Ra3 =)
2 Be5
(1) c3+ (not 2 Ba5+ 3 Ke2! c3 4 Rh4+ Kg2 5 Rg4+ Kh3 6 Rg3+ Kh4 7 Rxc3 a1=Q 8 Rc4+ K~ 9 Bxa1 =)
3 Bxc3 Ba5
4 Rh4+ Kg2 (check until bK goes on black square, else draw with triple repetition of the position)
5 Rg4+
(1) Kf1 (not 5 Rxa4? Bxa4 6 Kc1 Bb4! 7 B~ Ba3+ -+)
(There are points for this continuation : 5 Rg4+
(1) Kh2 6 Ra4
(1) ... 9 Kb2
(1) =)
6 Rf4+ Kg2
7 Rg4+ Kh2
8 Ra4
(1) Bxa4
9 Kc1
(1) Bb4
10 Be5+ K~
11 Kb2
(1) =
(Problem 298) P. A. Petkov, (feenschach, 2003), h#3
Key : 1 g4! Sf5+ 2 Ke4 Bxg6 3 Kf3 Sh4#
Key : 1 e1=S! Bd1 2 Sg2 Se2+ 3 Kf3 Sc3#
Key : 1 e1=R! Bg1 2 Re4 Sf5 3 gxf5 Bh2#
(1 solution = 1,5 points / 2 solutions = 3 points / 3 solutions = 5 points).
(Problem 299) V. Nikoletic, (Sahovski Glasnik 1989, Lob), s#5
Set play : 1...Ra4
2 Qc5 ( > 3 Qxe7+ Kd5 4 Qxe4+ Kc5 5 Qd4+ Sxd4#)
2...b3 3 Rxc6+ Bxc6 4 Sg7+ Kf6 5 Qxg5+ Sxg5#
Tries : [1 Rxc6+? / Qxc6+? Bxc6!], [1 Sg7+? Kf6!], [1 Qxb4? / Qc5? Rxd2!], [1 Qd5+? Kxd5!].
Key : 1 Qd3! ( > 2 Sg7+ Kf6 3 Qd4+ e5 4 Sf5+ Ke6 5 Sxg5+
(1) Sxg5#)
1...Rxa5 2 Rxe4+ Re5 3 Qd5+ Kxd5 4 Rb5+ Ke6 5 Sd4+
(2) Sxd4#
1...Rxd2 2 Sd4+ Kd5 3 Rb5+ Sc5 4 Rxc5+ Kxc5 5 Re5+
(2) Sxe5#