International Chess Composition Contest : "Jubilee Tourney Manolas - 60", Closing date 2010-07-12. The Greek committee for Chess Composition announces the "Jubilee Tourney Manolas – 60". Theme free. Accepted are original three-mover chess problems in the following four sections: A. direct mate #3, with at least three variations. Judge Emmanuel Manolas. B. helpmate h#3, with exactly three solutions, no zero-positions, no twins. Judge Harry Fougiaxis. C. selfmate s#3, with at least three variations. Judge Ioannis Garoufalidis. D. fairy #3, with accepted elements : {one fairy condition} or {one fairy condition and one fairy piece type} or {one or two fairy piece types}. Judge Kostas Prentos. Computer-checked problems may be submitted by each composer to more than one section. For each problem, the following information is expected : Name & e-mail & country of the composer, diagram & FEN notation & stipulation & solution of the problem. Send e-mails, with subject "JT-Manolas-60", to manolas.emmanuel(AT) . Closing day : 12-July-2010. The participants will receive a copy of the award by e-mail. The award will be published in blogs "", "". |
Notes :
In e-mail replace (AT) with the character @.
The FEN (Forsyth-Edwards) Notation is described here and here.