Monday, January 28, 2013

ISC-9, Compositions solved and some results

Results from Athens, Greece :

First group, 60 points maximum :
1) Vaggelis Petridis, 17 points,
2) Harry Fougiaxis, 16,5
3) Emmanuel Manolas, 16,5
4) Leocratis Anemodouras, 7,5
5) Dimitrios Efthimakis, 4

Second group, 40 points maximum :
1) Dionissis Hassalevris
2) Panagiotis Papantoniou

See here the results from Patra, Greece.

12 Problems for the first group

David Shire, Christopher Reeves, Marjan Kovačević,
Original for The Problemist 2013 (version for 9. ISC)
3R2b1/BpP1K1p1/4ppp1/1s1Pk3/4S3/2p5/2BQ3b/2S1rRsr (10 + 13)
Tries : {1.Sg5? [2.Sd3#] Sxa7 / Sd6 / Rxf1,Rxc1,Re3 2.Qxc3# / Qd4# / Qe3#, 1… Sf3 / Bf4 2.Sxf3# / Qxf4#, 1… b6!}, {1.Sc5? [2.Sd7#] Sd4 2.S1d3#, 1… cxd2!}, {1.Sd6? [2.Sc4#] exd5 / Sa3,Sxd6 2.Sd3# / Qd4 #, 1... Re4!}

Key: 1. Sf2! (5) [2.Sg4#] f5 / Re4 2.Scd3# / Sfd3#

Shows auto-blocks and contains theme Somov B2.

A.N. Pankratiew, V.N.Rychkow, Yourij Marker,
The Problemist 1990
8/3pR3/3p4/R2p4/p1kB1S1Q/P3sBs1/KP6/2b2r2 (9 + 9)
Tries : {1.Rxa4+? Kb5!}, {1.Be2+? Sxe2!}, {1.Rc5+? dxc5!}, {1.Bxd5+? Sxd5!}, {1.b3+? axb3+!}

Key : 1. Qh3! [2.Rxa4+ (1) Kb5 3.Qxd7#]
1… Sg4,Sef5 2.Be2+ (1,5) Sxe2 / Kxd4 3. Qd3# / Rxd5 #
1… Sgf5 2.Bxd5+ (1,5) Sxd5 / Kxd4 3.Qd3# / Re4 #
1… Kxd4 2.Qh8+ (1) Kc4 3.Qc3 #

Heinz Gfeller,
Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1966 (dedicated to K. Flatt)
r1b3B1/p1Pp4/kp1P4/1R6/P2p4/3P4/7K/4B3 (8 + 7)
Tries : {1.Ra5+? bxa5!}, {1.Bd5? / Ba5? / Bb4? Bb7!}

Key : 1.Bc4! Kb7 2.Ba5 Kc6,Ka6 3.Bb4 Kb7 4.Bd5+ Ka6 5.Ra5+ bxa5 6.Bc5 (5)
1… … 2… a6? 3.Rxb6 Ka7 4.Bd5 Rb8 / Bb7 5.cxb8=Q# / Rxb7#

Contains theme Kozhakin (First and last White move on the same square).

Martin Minski,
Original for Magyar Sakkvilag 2013
3r4/4p3/kpK5/S7/PP6/2P5/8/8 (5 + 4)
+ (White wins)
1.Kc7 (1) Rd5 (i) 2.c4 (1) (ii) Rxa5 3.b5+ (1) (iii) Ka7 (iv) 4.c5 (1) Ra6 (v) 5.a5 (1) bxa5/bxc5 6.b6+ +-

(i) 1…Rh8 2.Sc6 b5 3.c4 +-, 1… Rd6 2.Sc6 b5 3.Sb8+ Ka7 4.axb5 +-
1…Rb8 2.Kxb8 bxa5 3.Kc7! axb4 4.cxb4 +-
(ii) 2.Sc6? b5! 3.c4 bxc4 4.b5+ Rxb5 5.axb5+ Kxb5 =
(iii) 3.bxa5? Kxa5 =
(iv) 3...Rxb5 4.axb5+ Ka5 5.c5! bxc5 6.b6 c4 7.b7 c3 8.c8=Q +-
(v) 4…Rxb5 5.axb5 bxc5 6.b6+ +-, 4…bxc5 5.b6+ Ka6 6.b7 +-

Jozsef Pogats,
idee und form 1996
8/1p6/p4b2/r3k3/8/p3K1pp/4P1bq/1s2sB2 (3 + 12)
h#4, 4 solutions
I) 1. Sd2 Kxd2 2. Ke4 e3 3. Rf5 Bxa6 4. Be5 Bxb7 #
II) 1. Sd3 exd3 2. Rd5 Be2 3. Rd6 Bg4 4. Bd5 d4 #
III) 1. Sf3 Kd3 2. Kf4 Bxg2 3. Rg5 Bxh3 4. Be5 e3 #
IV) 1. Bf3 exf3 2. Qc2 Bb5 3. Qg6 f4+ 4. Kf5 Bc6 #
[ 1 solution=1 point, 2 s=2,5 p, 3 s=4 p, 4 s=5 p ]

The Black King is mated on e5, f4 by the Pawn and on e4, f5 by the Bishop. There are preventive auto-blocks, Orthogonal - Diagonal Transformation and Model Mates.

Waldemar Tura,
The Problemist 1985, 2nd Prize
5B2/1BQ1S3/R1p1P3/1rk2S1R/sp1pP3/s2Kp3/pqr1P3/bb6 (11 + 13)
Tries (besides the 16 checking moves which result in undesirable mating of Black) : {1.Qb6+? Sxb6!}, {1.Ra8? Sc4!}, {1.Qg3? / Qf4? / Qb8? / Bc8? / Rg5? Qc1!}

Key : 1.Qh2! [2.Sg3+ Kd6 3.Rxc6+ (1) Rxc6#]
1…Rb6 2.Sd5+ Kb5 3.Sxd4+ (1,5) Qxd4#
1…b3 2.Sd6+ Kb4 3.Sxc6+ (1,5) Rxc6#
1…Sc3,Sb6 2.Sxd4+ Sd5 3.Sb3+ (1) Qxb3#

White and Black batteries in action.

Života Tanić,
Die Schwalbe 1973, 1st Prize
5RB1/8/sR1S2p1/2s1k1pr/r2pS1P1/1p3p1p/3Q1P1K/B7 (10 + 11)
Tries : {1.Sc3? d3!}, {1.Sxc5? Sxc5!}, {1.Sxg5? Se6!}, {1.Sc4+?  Rxc4!}, {1.Rb5? Sc7!}, {1.Rf5+? gxf5!}, {1.Re8+? Se6!}, {1.Qe1? Sd3!}, {1.Qe3? b2!}, {1.Qxd4+? / Bxd4+? Rxd4!}, {1.Qf4+? gxf4!}, {1.Qxg5+? Rxg5!}

Key : 1.Sf6! (5) [2.Sf7#] Se6 / Rh7 2.Qe3# / Qxg5#

We see Levman defense : (The control of a square x of the black King field by a white piece is removed by the threat (which is not made by this piece). This is possible because a third white piece controls x (this control exists only after the threat). Black defends by removing this third control.). Here the control of f6 by the Rf8 is removed with the threat Sf7 because Rb6 can control then the f6. So, Black plays Se6.
There is also theme Option, where at least two tries (with different defenses) and the key are performed with the same piece.

Carel Sammelius,
Tidskrift for Schack 1955, 2nd Hon. Mention
7r/3P4/2R4Q/P2BsPB1/p1Pk2PR/2pp2S1/8/2S3bK (13 + 7)
Tries : {1.Be3+? Bxe3!}, {1.Sce2+? / Sge2+? dxe2!}, {1.Sb3+? axb3!}, {1.d8=Q? Rxd8!}, {1.Bf6? Rxh6!}, {1.Be7? / Bd8? c2!}

Key : 1.Rh3! [2.Sce2+,Sge2+ (0,5) fxe2 3.Sxe2#]
1...Se~ 2.Bf6+ (1) Se5 3.Qf4#
1...Sxd7 2.Qg7+ (1) Se5 3.Qa7#
1...Sxc6 2.Qf6+ (1) Se5,Kc5 3.Qb6#
1...Sxg4 2.Qxh8+ (1) Se5 3.Rh4#
1...Sxc4 2.Rxc4+ (0,5) Kxd5 3.Qe6#

We see swithbacks of bS and wR, reciprocal captures, self-blocks, direct and indirect pins.

Jakov Vladimirow,
Vetchernij Leningrad 1988, 1st Prize
6S1/3pb2p/2p2p2/1PP1kq2/4pp1S/2P1RQB1/B6s/3K4 (10 + 10)
Tries : {1.Qxe4+? / Rxe4+? Qxe4!}, {1.Qxf4+? / Bxf4+? Qxf4!}, {1.Qg4? Qxg4+!}, {1.Qh5? Qxh5+!}, {1.Sg6+? hxg6!}, {1.Sxe7? / Bxh2? / Sh6? d5!}

Key : 1.Bf7! Zugzwang
1...cxb5 2.Rxe4+ Qxe4 3.Bxf4+ (1) Qxf4 4.Qd5#
1... Bf8 / Bd6 / Bxc5 2.Bxf4+ Qxf4 3.Rxe4+ (1) Qxe4 4.Qxf6#
1... Sf1 2. Qxe4+ Qxe4 3. Sf3+ (1) Kf5 4. Sh6#
1… Sg4 2. Qxf4+ Qxf4 3. Sf3+ (1) Kf5 4. Sxe7 #
1… d6,Bd8 2. Bxh2 ~ 3. Sxf5 (1)

Reciprocal captures, Orthogonal - Diagonal Transformation, White sacrifices.

Alexander Herbstman,
Spartak 1962, 2nd Price
R7/B7/2K5/3R4/8/5b1p/7r/k7 (4 + 4)
+ (White wins)
1.Bd4+ Kb1 2.Ra1+ Kc2 3.Ra2+ (1) Kd3 4.Ra3+ (1) (i) Ke2 5.Re3+ Kf2 6.Re4+ Kf1 7.Rf5 (1) Rf2 8.Kd6 (1) h2 9.Rh4 (1) +-

(i) 4.Rxh2 Bxd5+ 5.Kd5 = /Kc5 Bg2 =

Christopher Jones,
Original for ISC 2013
4B3/3bp3/2p1k3/2P1rq2/1pP5/b1sp1p2/1sR2P2/2K5 (6 + 12)
h#3, 2 solutions
1.Sd5 cxd5+ 2.cxd5 c6 3.Bxc6 Rxc6# (2,5)
1.Re3 fxe3 2.f2 Rxf2 3.e5 Bf7# (2,5)

Self-blocks, Black sacrifices.

Peter Kniest,
feenschach 1981
6B1/3Q3s/3R4/4k1P1/7R/3pBp2/3SpS2/4K3 (9 + 5)
Tries (besides the 11 checking moves which result in undesirable mating of Black) : {1.Re6+? / Qe7+? Kf5!}, {1.Qb5+? / Qxh7? Kxd6!}, {1.Rdh6? / Ra6? / Rb6? / Rc6? / Rg6? / g6? / Ba2? / Bb3? / Be6? / Bf7? Sf8!}

Key : 1.Rf6! Sxg5 2.Rh5 Kxf6 3.Rh6+ Ke5 4.Sxf3+ (1,5) Sxf3#
1...Sf8 2.Qe7+ Se6 3.Qc5+ Sxc5 4.Sxd3+ (1,5) Sxd3#
1...Sxf6 2.Sg4+ Sxg4 3.Sc4+ Ke4 4.Bd2 (2) f2#

Sacrificial key, model mates.

8 Problems for the second group

Arieh Grinblat,
Probleemblad 1989, 149 TT, 1st Prize
3SB1s1/rb6/pp1pPpS1/1p1k3s/3B4/1Pp1KP2/8/Q7 (9 + 11)
Tries : {1.Sf4+? Sxf4!}, {1.Se7+? Sxe7!}, {1.Bxb6? Sf4!}, {1.Bxb5? axb5!}, {1.Bc6+? Bxc6!}, {1.Bf7? Bc8!}, {1.Qb1? / Qd1? c2!}, {1.Qa2? b4!}, {1.Qxa6? Rxa6!}, {1.b4? Kc4!}, {1.f4? Sg3!}, {1.e7? Sh6!}

Key : 1.Qh1! (5) [2.f4#] Sg3,Sf4 2.Sf4#

Theme Laitinen : (White threatens of a chechmate by battery of Pawn. The Blacks defends playing on the square where the Pawn threatens to move.).

Herbert Kuechler,
Schach 1961, 2nd Prize
6S1/B1Q5/8/4RbPr/3b1ksR/5P2/6K1/8 (8 + 5)
Tries : {1.Bxd4? Rxh4!}, {1.Rxg4+? Bxg4!}, {1.Re1+? / Re2+? / Re4+? Kxg5!}, {1.Ra5+? / Rb5+? / Rd5+? Ke3!}, {1.Re6+? / Re7+? / Re8+? / Qc1+? Kxg5!}

Key : 1.Qf7! (5) [2.Qxf5#]
1...Rxg5 2.Re4 #
1...Bxe5 2.Rxg4 #
1...Kxe5 2.Bb8 #
1...Kxg5 2.Rxg4 #

Self-block, pin mate.

Martin Minski,
Original for Šachová skladba 2013
5k2/S1S1pp2/7K/q1P5/8/2R5/b5P1/4B3 (7 + 5)
+ (White wins)
1.Se6+ (2) (i) Bxe6 (ii) 2.Rd3 (1) Qc7 3.Bg3 (1) Qa5 4.Sc6 Q~ 5.Rd8+ (1) +-

(i) 1.Rd3? Qxc7 2. Bg3 e5! =
(ii) 1… fxe6 2. Rf3+ +-

Pseudo-sacrifice of the white Knight.

Carel Sammelius,
Probleemblad 1973, 3rd Hon. Mention
8/8/4S3/4R3/1B2b1pr/2s1kP2/p3P1Rp/rs2Q2K (8 + 9)
Tries : {1.Rxe4+? Sxe4!}, {1.Qc1+? Sd2!}, {1.Qf2+? Kd2!}, {1.Qxc3+? Sxc3+!}, {1.fxg4? Rxg4!}

Key : 1.f4! [2.Qxc3+ (0,5) Sxc3#]
1...Sc~ 2.Qd2+ (0,5) Sxd2#
1...Sa3 2.Qc1+ (1) Rxc1#
1...Sd2 2.Qg1+ (1) Rxg1#,hxg1=~#
1...Sxe2 2.Qg3+ (1) Sxg3#
1...Sd1 2.Qf2+ (1) Sxf2#

Theme Cristoffanini (Black pins the threatening white piece which mates nevertheless). Move Pelle (of a pinned piece), white sacrifice, recoprocal captures, masked black battery, pin mate.

Hrvoje Bartolovic,
Suomen Shakki 1991, 2nd Prize
6q1/1pSS1p2/P3P1p1/6P1/p1pk1p2/8/1RBP4/KQR5 (11 + 8)
Tries : {1. Bd3? / Be4? / Bf5? / Bxg6? b5! / bxa6! / exf5! / Qxg6!}
{1. Rb4? / Rb5? / Rb6? / Rxb7 / Ra2? a3! / fxe6! / Qf8! / Qf8! / b5!}
{1. Re1? / Rf1? f5! / f3!}

Key : 1.Rh1! (5) [2.Qg1#] f3 / c3 2.Rh4# / Rb4#

Theme Bristol. Theme Option.

Yosi Retter,
TT Denmark 1988/89, 1st Prize
8/2S5/3s4/2p1r3/2B2R2/B1k1Pb2/2Ps4/1RK3S1 (9 + 6)
Tries : {1.Se2+? Bxe2!}, {1.Sb5+? Sxb5!}, {1.Sd5+? Rxd5!}, {1.Bb2+? Kb4!}, {1.Bb4+? cxb4!}, {1.Ba2? S2e4!}, {1.Ba6? S6e4!}, {1.Bf1? / Be2? Be4!}, {1.Bd5? / Be6? / Bf7? / Bg8? Re4!}, {1.Rb3+? Sxb3+!}

Key : 1.Bd3! (5) [2.Bb2#]
1...Re4 / S2e4 / S6e4 / Be4 2.Sd5# / Rb3# / Sb5# / Se2#

Theme Elmgren (All black pieces refute a Try). Theme Anti-Somov A1.

Schachmatnoje ob. 1903
Q7/8/4P3/1p6/p1B2P2/2B3Pp/1P5K/krbR4 (9 + 6)
Tries : {1.Qxa4+? bxa4!}, {1.Rxc1? Rxc1!}, {1.Qf8? / Bxb5? Rxb2+!}, {1.Re1? / Rh1? Bd2!}, {1.b4+? Bb2!}, {1.Bf6? / Bg7? Bxb2!}

Key : 1.Bh8! Zugzwang
1…Bxb2 2.Rh1 (2)
1…Rxb2+ 2.Qg2 (2)
1… Bd2,Be3,Bxf4 2.b4+ (1)

Theme Grab, with multiple application. Bicolour Bristol, reciprocal captures, model mates.

Valerio Agostini,
harmonie 2010, 6th Hon. Mention
2BR3B/3K4/2P5/R3q3/4kr2/2b1r3/8/8 (6 + 5)
h#2, 2 solutions
I) 1.Kd4 Ba6 2.Rfe4 Kc8# (2,5)
II) 1.Kf5 Rg8 2.Ree4 Kd8# (2,5)

Orthogonal - Diagonal transformation, White royal battery, indirect self-pin, pin mate, self-block.

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