Saturday, December 27, 2014

Farewell to 2014

The year 2014 is almost over and we all postpone our hopes to 2015 for all the things we have dreamed and never achieved or never happened.
With wishes for making our lives better in any possible aspect, I give you two problems to solve.

Probblem-792 (original)
Manolas Emmanuel (GRE)

5S2/8/1q6/5kP1/4rP2/2s1QK2/2S5/1B6 (6 + 10)
#2, Two-mover

Select between the brackets to see the solution :
[Tries : {1.Sd4+? Qxd4!}, {1.Qc5+? Qxc5!}, {1.Qxb6? Rxf4+!}, {1.Qxe4+? Sxe4!}.

Key : 1.Qd4! [2.Se3#]
1...Sxb1 / Sd1 / Sd5 2.Qxe4#, 1...Rxf4+ 2.Qxf4#, 1...Qxb1 2.Qf6#, 1...Qxd4 2.Sxd4#]

The same piece makes two tries and the key (theme Option).
Black's answer 1...Rf4+ opens road for the piece that gives mate (theme bicolour Bristol). Black corrects the move 1...Qxb1 with a better 1...Qxd4, without success. All the black pieces are used to defend the various tries (theme Elmgren).
The threat 2.Se3# and the mating move 2.Sxd4# exploit the pinning of bRe4 which is done from another piece (the wBb1), (theme Boros).

Problem-793 (original)
Manolas Emmanuel (GRE)

s2k2s1/S5S1/3K4/p1ppp1p1/3Q4/2rPr3/3B4/3q4 (6 + 11)
#3, Three-mover

Select between the brackets to see the solution :
[Tries : {1.Sc6+? Kc8!}, {1.Se6+? Ke8!}, {1.Qg4? Qxg4!}, {1.Qa4? Qxa4!}.

Key : 1.Qxd5! [2.Qxa8# / Qxg8#]
1...Sc7 2.Qxg8+ Se8+ 3.Qxe8#, 
1...Se7 2.Qxa8+ Sc8+ 3.Qxc8#, 
1...Rcxd3 2.Bxa5+ Sb6 / Sc7 3.Bxb6# / Bxc7#, 
1...Rexd3 2.Bxg5+ Sf6 / Se7 3.Bxf6# / Bxe7#,
1...Qb3 2.Qxa8+ Qb8+ 3.Qxb8#, 
1...Qf3 2.Qxg8+ Qf8+ 3.Qxf8# ]

Symmetrical position with three pairs of symmeric variations in the solution. This is called Vertical Mirror Echo. The same piece makes two tries and the key (theme Option). There are crossed checks and grabbing of the black pieces. The bK is mated from six squares of his row and four squares of his diagonals.

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