Since he likes logical compositions, I created a small one, it is only threemover, not a multimover as they are the ones he usually composes.
Happy nameday, John!
Problem-794 (original) Emmanuel Manolas, GR dedicated to Ioannis Kalkavouras |
2s1SBB1/p2pr3/1p3p2/8/2PkSP2/2pPp3/4K3/8 (8 + 9) #3 |
Tries: {1.Bxe7? [2.Bxf6#] Sxe7!}, {1.Sc7? [2.Sb5#] a6!} Key: 1.Sg7! [2.Sf5#] 1…Sd6 2.Bxe7 [3.Bxf6#] Sxc4 / Sxe4 / Sf7 / Se8 3.Sf5# 1…Re5 2.Bb4 [3.Bxc3#] Rxe4 3.Sf5# 1…Rxg7 2.Bxg7 [3.Bxf6#] |
The try 1.Bxe7? with threat [2.Bxf6#] (this is the Main Plan) is answered with 1...Sxe7! After the key 1.Sg7! with a different threat [2.Sf5#] (this is the Pre-Plan), Black tries to resist with 1...Sd6 and then reappears the try-move Bxe7 with the initial threat [Bxf6#] (that is the Main Plan). |
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