Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Results from the World Congress

Results from the proceedings of the World Congress on Chess Composition have started to appear.

Preliminary results of the OPEN solving contest [http://www.wccc2015.com/?open-results].
Greek solvers : Nikos Mendrinos is in place 38 and Nikos Sidiropoulos is in place 69.

Preliminary results from the World Championship on solution WCSC http://www.wccc2015.com/?wcsc-results-first-day
Greek solvers : Nikos Mendrinos is in place 52 and Nikos Sidiropoulos is in place 54. Greece is in place 16.

During the final second day, the Greek solvers tried harder : Nikos Mendrinos is ranked in place 43 from 85 and Nikos Sidiropoulos in place 46. Greece is in place 16 from 19.

The bulletin of the event is published here : http://www.wccc2015.com/docs/congress_bulletin.pdf

It contains results from composing tourneys, in which the Greek composers Kostas Prentos and Themis Argyrakopoulos have got distinctions.

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