![]() | (Problem 92) W. Jørgensen, First Prize, ”Die Schwalbe“, 1952 (White plays and forces black to mate in 3 moves). Selfmate in 3 s#3 (14+11) |
[2b2Ksq/RP1BP1rr/7b/4p1p1/1S2k1P1/3s2P1/1pQPP3/SR4B1] |
There are three tries: {1.e8=Q? bxa1=Q!}, {1.Bf5+? Bxf5!}, {1.exd3+? Kf3!}.
Key: 1.e8=B! (zugzwang)
If 1...bxa1=Q 2.bxc8=S Qd4
(in any other place the Qa1 is captured, and the black move checkmates)
3.Sd6+ Qxd6#.
If 1...bxa1=R 2.bxc8=B Ra6
(in any other place the Ra1 is captured, and the black move checkmates)
3.Bxa6 (and black move will checkmate. Not 3.Rxa6? because, after Re7+, the Ra6 can capture the Bh6).
If 1...bxa1=B 2.bxc8=R Bd4
(in any other place the Ba1 is captured and the black move checkmates)
3.Rc4 (and black move will checkmate).
If 1...bxa1=S 2.bxc8=Q Sxc2 / Sb3
3.Qxc2 / Rxb3 (and black move will checkmate).
In problem-92 we have seen double allumwandlung and capture of the promoted black piece in the third move.
![]() | (Problem 93) Nikolai Argunow ”Schachmatnaja Komposizija”, 07-08/1999 (There is set play). Selfmate in 2. * s#2 (11+8) |
[2S2bBR/4P1k1/7p/2S2p1P/3p1P2/1PpP4/2Kp4/1s1R4] |
Phase (set play) : (*)
1...Kxh8 2.exf8=Q Sa3#
1...Kf6 2.exf8=B Sa3 #
Phase (actual play) : Key: 1.Se6+!
1...Kxh8 2.exf8=R Sa3#
1...Kf6 2.exf8=S Sa3#
Composer Argunow achieves the four promotions on square f8, (Theme Allumwandlung), in two phases. The checking key is not considered a defect for a selfmate.
(This post in Greek language).
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