The study can be considered as a special case of the orthodox chess problem. The goal must be achieved (win or draw, just as in a chess game) without a pre-specified number of moves for the variations.
The study has also unique key and unique solution.
Typically, the studies resemble game-finales (end-games) and they have usually few pieces.
White draws
![]() | (Problem 87) M. S. Libiurkin, “64”, 1934 White plays and draws = (4+4) |
[1K6/2P5/8/8/4P1s1/8/B5kb/7q] |
The draw comes in various ways:
* with a stalemate position (of the white or of the black)
* with lack of enough material of the one side, which cannot win (i.e. K+S versus K)
* with repetition of the moves, (three times the same position, without capture, without pawn move, with the same side ready to move, with the same rights (castling, en-passant)).
Problem-87 is a study by M. S. Libiurkin, where the stipulation defines that it is white's turn to play and achieve draw.
The pawn c7 is pinned, so white cannot become any stronger by promotion, and the position is open, so stalemate is not an easy job. Let us see the solution:
Key: 1.e5! [2.c8=Q, or 2.Bd5+ that wins the black Queen].
(Now white must not continue with 2.Bd5+ because 2...Sf3 wins for black).
2.c8=Q Sc4+
(Now white must take care. If 3.Ka7, then 3...Qg1+ mates or wins the Queen Qc8).
3.Ka8 Sb6+
4.Kb7 Sxc8
5.Bd5+ Kg1
(Again white has an opportunity to lose the game. If 6.Bxh1 Sd6+ 7.Kc6 Kxh1 and black wins).
(Now black is forced to capture the Bishop which is threatening the black Queen).
(and white is stalemated).
Richard Réti, (28/05/1889 – 06/06/1929) was born in Austria-Hungaria. (He had an older brother Rudolph, famous pianist). Réti created studies, where the white King is apparently away from the black pawn and cannot catch it before promotion, but during the solution the Réti geometry triumphs.
![]() | (Problem 88) Richard Réti 1928 White plays and draws = (2+3) |
[5K2/k7/4P1p1/8/8/8/4b3/8] |
Key: 1.Ke7! g5
2.Kd6 g4
3.e7! (Exactly now! Now that the diagonal e2 – h5 has been closed) Bb5
4.Kc5 Bd7
5.Kd4 (the King has entered the square g4-g1-d1-d4-g4 and can capture the pawn).
In the next problem-89, by G. M. Kasparyan, the white King prepares to be buried alive and black, a Queen ahead, is watching unable to stop him!
![]() | (Problem 89) G. M. Kasparyan, “Chess in U.S.S.R.”, 1937 White plays and draws = (5+3) |
[k3K3/1p6/7p/1P6/1P6/8/PP6/8] |
Key: 1.Kd7! h5
2.Kc7 h4
3.Kb6 h3
4.Ka5 (If 4...b6+ 5.Ka4 h2 6.a3 h1=Q 7.b3 ~ (stalemate))
5.b6 h1=Q 6.b5 Qb1 7.a4 ~ 8.b4 ~ (stalemate).
[This post in Greek language].
1 comment:
Liburkin's was the only study I didn't know, beautiful execution of the stalemate.
Very nice selection and content.
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