Mr Ioannis Garoufalidis was the Judge of the contest, who said that he selected easier problems than the previous contest. That was almost true. (Cursed self-mate!).
The given time limit was 2 hours and 15 minutes for 6 problems (1 two-mover, 1 three-mover, 1 multimover (six-mover), 1 study for win, 1 helmate in three with two solutions and 1 και 1 self-mate (multimover in 4 moves)).
There were 17 contestants-solvers.
The first three were awarded with commemorative cups.
The first six were awarded with chess books and magazines.
Here are the names, times and grades of the first twelve solvers.
pos | Surname Name | time | total |
1 | Mendrinos Nikos | 2.08 | 25 |
2 | Papastavropoulos Andreas | 2.15 | 25 |
3 | Konidaris Panagiotis | 2.15 | 20 |
4 | Skyrianoglou Dimitris | 2.11 | 17,5 |
5 | Fougiaxis Harry | 2.11 | 15 |
6 | Manolas Emmanuel | 2.12 | 15 |
7 | Vlahos Elissaios | 2.15 | 14,5 |
8 | Papachristoudis Anastasios | 2.15 | 13,5 |
9 | Anastasiou Marios | 2.10 | 12,5 |
10-11 | Anemodouras Leokratis | 2.15 | 12,5 |
10-11 | Sklavounos Panagis | 2.15 | 12,5 |
12 | Mitsakis Konstantinos | 2.10 | 10 |
There was also a young contestant Panagiotis Koutoukidis and he was awarded with the prize 'Young Champion of Attica in Solving Chess Problems 2010'. The young Koutoukidis, student of second grade in 5th Gymnasium of Ilioupolis, has finished recently at first place of the School Chess Games in Attica, in his grade.
You may see the winners in the very informative chess blog (in Greek) of Schroedinger's Cat : here.
Here follow the problems of the contest. (In parantheses there are the grades of each move).
![]() | (Problem 441) D T Brock, 2nd Prize, Literaly Digest, 1903 Mate in 2 moves. #2 (10 + 8) |
[2S5/4p1B1/4P1s1/1p1k3K/2R1Rp2/b2S1p2/3p1P2/3Q1B2] |
Tries : [1.Sb6+? Kd6!], [1.Re3? fxe3!], [1.Rd4+? Kxe6!], [1.Re5+? Kxc4!], [1.Rd4+? Kc6!], [1.Sxf4+? Sxf4+!], [1.Sb4+? Bxb4!], [1.Qa4? bxa4!], [1.Qc2? Bc5!], [1.Qa1? / Qxd2? bxc4!].
Key : 1.Re1! zugzwang (5)
1...Bc5/Bb4/Bd6 2.Rxc5#/Sxb4#/Sb6#
1...dxe1=Q/S/R/B 2.Sxf4#
1...b4 2.Rc5#
1...bxc4 2.Qxf3#
1...Kxc4 2.Sb6#
1...Sg6~ 2.Sxf4#
![]() | (Problem 442) Otto Wurzburg, American Chess Bulletin, 1945 Mate in 3 moves. #3 (4 + 4) |
[3K3Q/8/8/8/8/8/5prB/5Bbk] |
Tries : [1.Qg7? Rxg7!], [1.Qh3?/Qg8? R(x)g8+!], [1.Qh7?/Ke7? Bxh2!], [1.Qg8? Rxg8+!], [1.Bxg1+? Kxg1!], [1...Bh2~+ Bh2!], [1.Bxg2+? Kxg2!]
Key : 1.Kd7! (1) threat 2.Qa8 and 3.Qxg2# (1)
1...Rg8 2.Qxg8 (0.5) 3.Qg2#
1...Rg7+ 2.Qxg7 (0.5) 3.Qg2#
1...Rg6 2.Bd6+ (0.5) Rh6/Bh2 3.Qa8/Qxa2#
1...Rg5 2.Be5+ (0.5) Rh5/Bh2 3.Qa8/Qxa2#
1...Rg4 2.Bf4+ (0.5) Rh4/Bh2 3.Qa8/Qxa2#
1...Rg3 2.Bxg3+ (0.5) Bh2 3.Qxh2#
![]() | (Problem 443) A Johandl, 2nd Honourable Mention, Kompositionturnier der Welt, 1998 Mate in 6 moves. #6 (8 + 8) |
[s2SK2B/2p5/2PP2Rp/1p1k4/1P6/3P4/b6p/3s4] |
Tries : [1.Rg5+? hxg5!], [1.Rf6? Se3!], [1.dxc7? Sb6!]
Key : 1.Rg4! (1) threat 2.Rd4#
1...Kxd6 2.Rg6+ Kd5 (note 1) 3.Se6 ( > 4.Sf4#) Kxc6 (note 2) 4.Sd8+ Kd5 5.Sc6 (4) ~ 6.Se7#
Theme : Switchback of White Rook And White Knight
note 1 : 2...Be6 3.Rxe6+ Kd5 4.Re4 ~ 5.Rd4#
note 2 : 3...Kd6 4.Sf4+ Be6 5.Rxe6#
![]() | (Problem 444) V Platov & M Platov, Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1908 White plays and wins. + (4 + 2) |
[8/8/8/2P4P/8/2K5/7B/k4r2] |
Key : 1.Kb4! (1) Rf5! (note 1) 2.c6 Rxh5 3.c7 Rh4+ 4.Kb5 Rh5+ 5.Kb6 Rh6+
6.Bd6! (2) Rxd6+ 7.Kb5 Rd5+ 8.Kb4 Rd4+ 9.Kb3 Rd3+ 10.Kc2 Rd4 11.c8=R! (1) (note 2) Ra4 12.Kb3 (1) +-
note 1 : 1...Tb1+ 2.Kc4! (2.Ka5? Th1) 2...Tc1+ 3.Kd5 Td1+ 4.Ke6
note 2 : 11.c8=Q? Rc4+ 12.Qxc4 = (Remember the study by Saavedra, Problem 81)
![]() | (Problem 445) A Vilkauskas, Sachmatija, 2009 Helpmate in 3 moves. Two solutions. h#3 (3 + 7) |
[2K5/8/2p2p2/5p2/2qk1s2/3bR3/3P4/8] |
1.Be4 Rd3+ 2.Ke5 Rd7 3.Qe6 d4# (2.5)
1.Kd5 Re7 2.Be4 d4 3.Se6 Rd7# (2.5)
![]() | (Problem 446) L Makaronec & V Surkov, Sachmatija, 2009 Self-mate in 4 moves. s#4 (9 + 10) |
[1bSSsB2/p7/p7/3kp3/2p1p1R1/2p1K3/2Q1PP2/1R5b] |
Tries : [1.Sb6+? axb6!], [1.Qxe4+? Bxe4!], [1.Qd3+? cxd3!], [1.Qd2+? cxd2!], [1.Rb5+? axb5!]
Key : 1.Sd6! (1) threat 2.Qd1+ Kc5 3.Sxe8+ Ld6 4.Qd4+ exd4# (1)
1...Kc5 2.Sxe4+ Kd5 3.Sf6+ Sxf6 4.Rd4+ (1.5) exd4#
1...Sc7 2.Rd1+ Kc5 3.Sc8+ Kb5 4.Rd5+ (1.5) Sxd5#
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