It is the 12th Championship in Solving Chess Problems in Greece.
Winners : (1) Nikos Mendrinos, (2) Panagiotis Konidaris, (3) Stamatis Kourkoulos-Arditis
Try to solve these 12 problems. The solutions will be shown if you select the text between the brackets [ ].
12th Greek Championship, 15 IX 2013
Round 1
- Problems, Time 2 hours
(725) 1
#2, Mate in 2 moves, R7/1Q2pbKp/3Bk1P1/3R4/2pps2r/s5S1/6B1/3r2b1 (8 + 11) Anatoly Slesarenko & Valery Shansin 1. Prize, The Problemist, 2000 [Key : 1.Rg5! (5) [2.Qxe7#] 1...Sxd6 2.Bd5#, 1...Kxd6 2.Ra6#, 1...exd6 2.Qxf7# Changed mates, Themes Rudenko, Option, Chernet, etc] |
(726) 2
#3, Mate in 3 moves,8/2p1Sp2/2p5/1p1Bp2K/Qb2pkP1/5pS1/r1P2PsP/8 (9 + 11) Michael Keller & Thornsten Zirkwitz 1-2. Prize, Sachsische Zeitung, 2001 [Tries : {1.Bxf7? [2.Sg6#] Sh4!}, {1.Bxc6? [2.Sd5#] Se3!} Key : 1.h3! [2.Kh6 ~ 3.Sh5# (1)] 1...Rxc2 2.Qxc2 (1) 2...cxd5/ f5 3.Sxd5# / 3.Sg6# 1...Sh4 2.Bxc6 (1) Bxe7 3.Qxe4# 1...Se3 2.Bxf7 (1) Bxe7 3.Qxe4# 1...e3 2.Qxb4+ (1) e4 3.Qxe4# Logical, Themes Banny, Pseudo Le Grand]. |
(727) 3
#7, Mate in 7 moves,qr6/pp2Pb1B/rP6/p1R1SS1k/R4P2/2pPP2p/5p2/5K2 (11 + 11) Olivier Schmitt Diagrammes, 2011 [Tries : {1.Bg6? Bxg6!}, {1.Sd7? Rxb6!} Key : 1.Rc6! (1) 1...bxc6 2.Sd7 Kg4 3.Sf6+ Kf3 4.Ra2 Bxa2 5.Sd7 Kg4 6.Se5+ (3) Kh5 7.Bg6# 1...Rxb6 2.Sg7+ Kh4 3.Rxb6 [4.Sf5+ Kh5 5.Rh6#] axb6 4.Kxf2 [5.Sf3+ Kg4 6.Bf5#] Be6 5.Sf3+ Kg4 6.f5+ (1) Bc4 7.Rxc4# Switchback of wSe5, sacrifice of wR. Two foreplans for the deflection of bBf7]. |
(728) 4
+, White plays and wins,1b6/5b2/3p1B1k/8/6Kp/1P1S2S1/8/8 (5 + 5) Sergeo Nikolaevich Tkachenko 2nd Commendation, Israel-Chess-Composition-Society-50 JT, 1998 [1.Sf5+ Kg6 2.Bd8! (1) Bxb3 3.Se7+ Kf7 4.Sc6! Ke8 5.Ba5! (1) (5.Bb6? Kd7! 6.Sxb8+ Kc8 7.Sc6 Ld1+ 8.Kxh4 Kb7 9.Sd4 Kxb6! 10.Sb2 Kc5 11.Se6+ Kd5 12.Sf4+ Ke4) 5...Bc7! 6.Bxc7 Kd7 7.Sd4! (1) Bd1+ 8.Kxh4(1) (8.Kg5? Kxc7 9.Sb2 h3 10.Sxd1 h2 11.Sf2 Kb6 12.Kg4 Kc5 13.Se6+ Kc4) 8...Kxc7 9.Sb2! (1) +- Domination to ensure win (according Troitzky)]. |
(729) 5
h#3, 211111, Helpmate in 3 moves, 2 solutions 2R5/3S4/1pr4s/3p1kq1/2rs4/4p3/1K6/1b6 (3 + 10) Christer Jonsson 1.Prize, Schach, 1988 [1.Kg6 Rc7 2.Sh6-f5 Sf8+ 3.Kh6 Rh7# (2.5) 1.Ke4 Rd8 2.Sd4-f5 Sf6+ 3.Kd4 Rxd5# (2.5) Exchange of positions between bK and each bS, Model mates.] |
(730) 6
s#5, Selfmate in 5 moves,2b4R/1p1p1S2/1P1Q1RSb/P1p4k/1B6/2P2KP1/ 3P1P2/5B2 (14 + 6) Bohuslav Mikyska Sachove Listy, 1901 [Key : 1.Sh4! zugzwang (1) 1...c4 2.Bd3 cxd3 3.a6 bxa6 4.Ba5 Bb7+5.Qd5+ (2) Bxd5# 1...cxb4 2.Bh3 ~ 3.Sg2 ~ 4.Qc5+ d5 5.Bg4+ (2) Bxg4#] |
2#: Write the key.
3# and 7#: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the last-but-one white move
Study: Write all the moves until a visible win.
H#: Write the full solution
S#: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the last-but-one white move.
12th Greek Championship, 15 IX 2013
Round 2
- Problems, Time 2 hours
(731) 1
#2, Mate in 2 moves, sr6/3QS1bb/qB1S4/1R5r/p1P2R2/PPk1p2s/2B1P3/2K5 (12 + 10) Carel J. R. Sammelius 1-2 Prize, JT Nederlandse-Bond-van-Probleemvrienden-35, 1966 [Tries : {1.Se7-f5? Re8!}, {1.Sd6-f5? Sh3xf4!}, {1.Qf5? Sxb6!}, {1.Rf4-f5? Qb7!}, {1.Bf5? Qxb5!} Key: 1.Rb5-f5! (5) [2.Sd5# / Se4#] Sacrifice Novotni, where only one from six moves is right!] |
(732) 2
#3, Mate in 3 moves, 3S1b2/Q4B2/5pp1/1kpSpR2/8/p7/2b5/K7 (6 + 8) Cenek Kainer Casopis Sach 1921 [Key: 1.Sc6! [2.Sd5-b4 [3.Qa5/Qa6] cxb4 3.Sd4# (1) 1...Bxf5/Be4 2.Qa4+ (1) Kxa4 3.Sd5-c3# 1...gxf5 2.Sa5 (1) ~ 3.Be8# 1...Kxc6 2.Qb6+ (1) Kd7 3.Qc7# 1...Kc4 2.Qa6+(1) Kb3 3.Qb5# Sacrificial key, Model mates, Theme Cyclic Zilahi (the mating piece is captured in another variation)] |
(733) 3
#4, Mate in 4 moves, 2s5/3s1Q2/2R4B/qP1ppB2/S1pk2P1/Ppb1p3/4P3/5K2 (10 + 10) Igor A. Agapov (after Anatoly Styopochkin) Special Prize, 1st FIDE World Cup 2010 [Key: 1.Qe6! (1) [2.Bxe3+ Kxe3 3.Qh6+ Kd4 4.e3# (1) 1...Sf6 2.Qxe5+ Kxe5 3.Re6+ (1) Kd4 4.Bxe3# 1...Qd8 2.Rxc4+ Kxc4 3.Qc6+ (0.5) Kd4 4.Qxc3#, 3...Sc5 4.Qxc5#, 2...dxc4 3.Qc6 (0.5) Sc5 4.Qxc5#, 3...Sd6 4.Qxd6# 1...Bd2 2.Qxd5+ Kxd5 3.Be6+ (1) Kd4/Κe4 4.Rxc4# Changed mates, Switchback of bK, Themes Zilahi, Kniest, Bristol, Chumakov, ODT]. |
(734) 4
=, White plays and draws,6r1/2R3pk/q1s1p3/4S2K/b3P3/4P3/2Q5/8 (6 + 7) Amazia Avni Chess in Israel, 1999 [1.Qh2 (1) (1.Sf7? Qa5+ 2.e5+ g6+ (2...Βxc2? 3.Sg5+ Kh8 4.Sf7+ Kh7 5.Sg5+) 3.Kg4 (3.Kg5 Βxc2) 3...Qxc7 4.Sg5+ Kg7 5.Sxe6+ Kf7] 1...Rh8! (1...Re8? 2.Kg5+ Kg8 3.Rxg7+) 2.Sf7 (2.Kg5+? Kg8 3.Qf4 Sxe5) 2...Kg8+! 3.Sxh8 Qa5+ (3...Bd1+ 4.Kh4! Kxh8? 5.Kg3+) 4.Kg6! (1) (4.Kg4? Se5+) 4...Se5+ 5.Qxe5! Be8+! (5...Qxe5 6.Rc8+) 6.Rf7! Qxe5 = (3) Stalemate by self-pin.] |
(735) 5
h#6, Helpmate in 6 moves, 8/1s2k3/qp6/rB6/8/8/8/5K2 (2 + 5) Frantiek Korostenski Prize, Sachove Umeni 2001 [1.Kd6 Bd3 2.Qc4 Ke2 3.Qc7 Ba6 4.Kc6 Kd3 5.Rd5+ Kc4 6.Rd6 Bb5# (5) Circuit of wB and Pelle move (while it is pinned), Bicolour Bristol]. |
(736) 6
s#3, Selfmate in 3 moves,4b3/2S1p3/2p1p3/P1k1P2p/K4P1P/PR1R4/3S4/Q7 (11 + 5) Leonid Kubbel Jas 1935 , 1st Prize [Set play : 1…Bd7 2.Sxe6+ Bxe6 3.Rb5+ cxb5# Key: 1.Rd8! zugzwang (1) 1...Bd7 2.Qd4+ Kxd4 3.Kb4 (2) c5# 1...Bxg6 2.Qc1+ Bc2 3.Sb5 (1) cxb5# 1...Bf7 2.Sxe6+ Bxe6 3.Rb5+ (1) cxb5# Critical move of wR, Model mates]. |
2#: Write the key.
3# and 4#: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the last-but-one white move
Study: Write all the moves until a visible draw.
H#: Write the full solution
S#: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the last-but-one white move.
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