Friday, April 18, 2008

Pure mates, Ideal mates, etc.

Some composers pay special attention to the form of mate. There is a school of such composers, named Bohemian School. (The composers do not come all from Bohemia! They just have similar criteria for compositions). The composers give to their problems comfortable positions with a sense of freedom and in at least two variations the mates are ideal.

Pure mate: The square on which the mated king stands and every square attached to it, is under threat of one hostile force or it is blocked by a friendly piece, (not threat and block simultaneously).
Economical mate: All the white pieces (with possible exclusion of King and Pawns) are taking part in the mating net.
Model mate: A mate pure and economical.
Ideal mate: It is a model mate where all pieces, black and white, take part. It is also called Perfect mate.
Mirror mate: It is a model mate where all the squares around the king are empty.

(Problem 45)
Manolas Emmanuel,
Newspaper “Allagi” of Patras, 14/06/1983
White plays and mates in 2 moves
#2 (5+2)

In the problem-45, by Manolas, we see two echo-mates and a Perfect mirror mate.

Tries: {1.Qxc6+? Kxc6!}, {1.Qd7+? Ke5!}, {1.Kf6? / Kf5? Kd6!}.

Key: 1.Sc4!
(while one of the knights is in threat, with the sacrificial key we put the second knight in danger, too)
1...Kxc4 / Kxe6 2.Qb3# / Qf7# (These are the echo-mates).
1...Ke4 2.Qxc6# (This is the perfect mirror mate).

Update 07-ii-2017 : I have learned today, after 34 years, that this problem of mine is anticipated. Prior compositions are (1) Durebert, 1925, bulletin de la FRE, [8/2Q5/3p1S1K/4k3/8/8/3PS3/8] and (2) Fredriksson E. G., 1929, Schackvorlden, [8/5Q2/K1S1p3/3k4/8/8/3SP3/8].
I still remain very satisfied that I have composed this problem. Manolas Emmanuel.

(Problem 46)
Godfrey Heathcote,
”The Observer”, 1927
White plays and mates in 3 moves
#3 (10+9)

In Heathcote’s problem-46 we have four model mates with pinning of the black Queen, combined with an WP4 theme from wPd2.

Key: 1.f3! [2.Qe5+ / Qe7+ / cxb7+]
1...Qc2 2.Qe5+ Kxc4 3.d3# (the queen Qc2 is pinned by Rc1)
1...Bxf3 2.Qe7+ Qd6 3.d4# (the queen Qd6 is pinned by Qe7)
1...Sc3 2.cxb7+ Kd4 3.dxc3# (the queen Qd3 is pinned by Rd1)
1...Bxf3 2.Qe7+ Kd4 3.dxe3# (the queen Qd3 is pinned by Rd1)

(Problem 134)
V. Pachman,
First prize, ”Schach-Echo”, 1959
White plays and mates in 5 moves
#5 (3+7)

In Pachman’s more-mover problem-134 we see model mates, characteristics of Bohemian school. The open position creates possibilities for tries, but the solution has a strategic content:
Tries: {1.Kh4? / Kg3? / Kh2? / Qd3? / Qg1? f2!}
Tries: {1.Qa6+? / Qb5? / Qc4? / Qxf3? / Qf2? Kxb1!}
Try: {1.Sc3+? Ka3!}
Key: 1.Qe1! [2.Sc3+ Ka3 3.Qe7+ c5 4.Qxc5#]
1...c5 2.Qf1 [3.Sc3+ Ka3 4.Qa6+ Kb4 5.Sd5#]
2...c4 3.Qe1 [4.Sc3+ Ka3 5.Qe7#], (a threat which is actually realized).

[This post in Greek language].

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