Fifth National Solving Contest in Greece, was held in the hospitable hall of the Cultural Poly-Centre of the Municipality of Herakleion Attica, (Sunday, June 18, 2006). It was organised by the Greek Chess Federation (ESO), with the care of the Chess Problems Committee and the support of the Chess Club [Epikinonia] and the Municipality of Herakleion.
Harry Fougiaxis was Arbiter – Judge, who was helped by G. Galanis, N. Mendrinos, D. Skyrianoglou.
There were two rounds, with thinking time 2 hours per round. The contestants were asked to solve a total of 12 problems, with 6 problems from six different categories per round, that is 2 two-movers, 2 three-movers, 2 more-movers (one four-mover and one five-mover), 2 studies (one stalemate and one win), 2 selfmate three-movers, 2 helpmates (one three-mover and one four-mover). As usually, first criterion is the correctness and completeness of the solution and second criterion is the time used by the solver.
The problems seemed to be easier than the previous years, but their solutions demanded knowledge, fantasy, and creativity from the solvers!
The final ranking (20 contestants) :
Prentos Kostas, 57,75 (237’), from Thessaloniki (Salonica), International Master in problems solving, was for fifth consecutive time Champion of Greece in problem solving.
Papastavropoulos Andreas, 47 (211’),
Mendrinos Nikos, 34,25 (240’),
4) Konidaris Panagiotis, 33,75 (240’),
5) Garoufalidis Ioannis, 27,75 (240’),
6) Manolas Emmanuel, 26,5 (240’).
In the first twelve places were also the solvers : Anemodouras Leokratis 24,75 , Sklavounos Panagis 24 , Skyrianoglou Dimitris 21 , Kostouros Al. 19,50 (he was present only in the second round), Mitsakis K.. 14 β., Barous Th.. 5 .
Together with the National Contest there was held a Solving contest for new solvers. It lasted two hours and contained six easier problems. The ranking : 1) Karaoulanis D. 24 , 2) Lymperopoulos F. (nine years old!) 12 , 3) Zissis M. 8 , 4) Zissis G. 5 , 5) Magiati Helen. 5 .
Today we present the problems of the first round of the national solving contest of 2006. The solutions are at the end of this post. In the next post we will present the problems of the second round.
 | (Problem 331) Oskar Wielgos, Schach-Echo, 1980, Mate in 2. #2 ( 7 + 5 ) |
[8/8/B4R2/2pRS1s1/3pks2/8/Q7/3S1K2] |
 | (Problem 332) Ivan Storozhenko, First Prize, Nabokov MT, Sahovska Kompozicija 1994, Mate in 3. #3 ( 7 + 8 ) |
[5s2/1B3K2/8/1sPR1S2/1p2kp2/rr6/5Q1P/2b5] |
 | (Problem 333) Ralf Kroetschmer, Phoenix, 1989, Mate in 5. #5 ( 8 + 7 ) |
[4BKb1/s4p2/3k1P2/3P1p2/2RP4/rpS1P3/8/8] |
 | (Problem 334) Leonid Kubbel, First Prize, Shakhmaty, 1925, White plays and wins. + ( 4 + 5 ) |
[6s1/8/2p4P/8/8/r1p3K1/B7/4B1k1] |
 | (Problem 335) Petko A. Petkov, First Prize, Revista de Sah, 1970, Selfmate in 3. s#3 ( 10 + 8 ) |
[6B1/PQp5/2p5/2prpP2/2k1K3/5PS1/p1s1P3/2RS4] |
 | (Problem 336) Chris Feather, First Prize, Diagrammes, 2000, Helpmate in 3. Three solutions. h#3 ( 5 + 10 ) |
[8/1p1s4/1P2p3/1pSR4/b2Pp3/2k5/1qr5/5K1s] |
With bold numbers in brackets we denote the points for each variation.
Problem 331 (#2) : Oskar WielgosTries : [1. Rf6xf4+? Ke4xf4!], [1. Ba6-d3+? Sf4xd3!], [1. Qa2-g2+? Sf4xg2!], [1. Qa2-e2+? Sf4xe2!], [1. Sd1-f2+? Ke4-e3!], [1. Sd1-c3+? D4xc3!].
Key : 1. Sc4! [5.0] ( > 2. Sd2#)
1...Kd3 2. Qb1#,
1...Kf3 2. Qg2#,
1...Kxd5 2. Bb7#,
1...Sxd5 2. Sf2#,
1...Sf3 2. Sd6#
Problem 332 (#3) : Ivan StorozhenkoVirtual play : 1...Be3 2. Sg3+ fxg3 3. Qf5#
1...Re3 2. Rd4+ Ke5 / Kxf5 3. Qxf4#
(1...Sd6+? 2. Sxd6#)
Tries : [1. Kf7-f6? Sf8-h7+!], [1. Sf5-g3+? Rb3xg3!], [1. Sf5-h4? Rb3-e3!], [1. Sf5-d6+? Sb5xd6+!], [1. Qf2-c2+? Rb3-d3!], [1. Qf2-e2+? Bc1-e3!].
Key : 1. Sh6! [0.5] ( > 2. Rd4+
[0.5] Ke5 3. Re4#)
1...Be3 2. Qf3+
[1.0] Kxf3 3. Rd2#
1...Re3 2. Qxf4+
[1.0] Kxf4 3. Rf5#
1...Sd6+ 2. Rxd6+
[1.0] Ke5 3. Qd4#
1...Sc3 2. Qc2+
[1.0] Ke3 / Kf3 3. Rd3#
Problem 333 (#5) : Ralf KraetschmerTries : [1. Rc4-c7? Kd6xc7!], [1. Rc4-c6+? Sa7xc6!], [1. Rc4-c5? Ra3-a5!].
Key : 1. e4! [1.5] ( > 2. e5#)
1...fxe4 2. Rc5!
[1.5] ( > 3. Sxe4#)
2...Bh7 3. Rc6+
[1.0] 3...Sxc6 4. Sb5+
[1.0] 4...Kxd5 5. Bxf7#
Problem 334 (=) : Leonid Kubbel Key : 1. Bf2+! Kh1
2. h7 c2+
3. Be3
[1.5] Rxe3+
4. Kf2 Rh3
5. Bd5+
[2.0] cxd5
6. hxg8=Q Rh2+
7. Kf3 c1=Q
8. Qg2+
[1.5] Rxg2 =
Problem 335 (s#3) : Petko A. PetkovTries : [1. Bg8xd5+? c6xd5+!], [1. Bg8-e6? / Bg8-f7? / Qb7-b8? / a7-a8=S? / Sg3-f1? / e2-e3? a2-a1=R!], [1. Qb7-b3+? Kc4xb3!], [1. a7-a8=Q? a2-a1=B!], [1. Sd1-e3+? / Sd1-b2+? Kc4-c3!].
Key : 1. a8=R! [1.0] (zugzwang)
1...a1=Q 2. Rxc2+ Qc3 3. e3
[1.0] Qxc2#
1...a1=R 2. Ra4+ Rxa4 3. Qb3+
[1.0] Kxb3#
1...a1=B 2. Qb8 ~ 3. Bxd5+
[1.0] cxd5#
1...a1=S 2. Sf1 Sb3 3. Sd2+
[1.0] Sxd2#
It is an AUW (allumwandlung) problem.
Problem 336 (h#3) : Chris FeatherKey : 1. Kd2! Sxe6 2. Qxd4 Sxd4 3. e3 Se2#
Key : 1. b4! Sxa4+ 2. Kb3 Ra5 3. Ka3 Sc5#
Key : 1. Se5! Rd8 2. Kc4 Sd7 3. Kd5 Sxe5#
One solution =
2.0, two solutions =
4.0, three solutions =